Legacy Consulting Agencies

"We work together to hit our goals to make OUR DREAMS a REALITY"
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How Is Your Company Unique and Why Should Someone Work Here?
We have decades of management industry experience in a Fortune 125 company that we are bringing to a start-up. We are expanding to 7 offices in 5 years in the Chicago market before we raise money to go national then global. We have upside for days for people looking to ride from the ground floor in a pretty unique niche.
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700 Commerce DR, Suite 500
Oak Brook, IL 60523
United States

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Describe What Your Company Does
We are a culture focused start-up helping many people in many ways.

For the health brokers, P&C brokers and Financial Advisors, we provide a service to strategize and enroll their Voluntary Benefits as a new revenue stream and as a way to bring more value to their clients. We can typically add 25% to their bottom line without having to open a new account or lift a finger. VB is such a niche industry that not a lot of people know how to do it right.

For our small business clients we're typically their full benefits package. We work well in the under 50 lives market to keep the employer cost at or near $0 for the business while still providing their employees access to benefits they can't get on their own and certainly not at the rates we're able to because of the payroll slot.

For mid market we provide most of that and HR tech as well. Generally this is where we begin with cost containment strategies as well.

For larger companies we are much more narrow.
We are primarily Voluntary Benefits. And more specifically we are CI and Accident, Telemedicine (that isn't part of their health insurance so utilization won't hit them at renewal time), and often a creative LTC type product that's actually affordable by threading it into whole or universal life insurance.

Believe it or not, that's the short answer. What I do though is build agencies, typically with recovering carrier managers that want to have the freedom and flexibility to have more than one carrier in their toolbox and not have to deal with quotas and stock price pressures of their publicly traded insurance company, jumping through new bonus hoops every year that everyone miraculously seems to miss right at the end of the year. They want to have ownership and security, as well as support and structure. So really MY service is an Agency Builder. We are all just helping people at any of those levels.
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Overview Markup
Our Basic Info
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share plenty of details, especially about your culture, perks and mission.

This info will go a long way to helping your company stand out.
Culture Markup
An Insider’s View
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in-depth answers to some frequently asked ones. Showcase either a range

of viewpoints or just people working in the roles you’re trying to fill.
Employee markup
Employee Reviews
You probably have more than a few employees having a blast working at your company. Have up to five people share a quick, authentic quote about what they enjoy most.
Perks Markup
Perks of Working Here
Job perks make a huge difference when attracting talent. Healthcare and
vacation time are the top benefits job seekers are looking for. Be sure to
include these plus any fun and unique perks your company offers.
Funding markup
Our Funding History
It takes a village to get a startup going. Sharing who your investors are

and the amount committed can give the community insight into your

company’s health and growth potential.
Full Stack Markup
Technology We Use
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if they have experience with those tools.
Not Premium
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Company Admin Markup
People with Admin Rights
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whomever you need and assign what they can and cannot do. Please note,

only “Admins” have access to this page.
Feel free to elaborate on what makes your company’s perks extra special.
We are focused on the people who are focused on our clients. A physically/mentally healthy employee who gets their family and personal needs met is someone we can grow inside the organization.
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Legacy Agencies Great Resignation
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Office Culture Markup
Culture Tab
Appearing as its own unique tab on your profile, your Culture tab gives a behind-the-scenes look into your Office Culture, Remote Work style, or DEI Commitments.
Select up to 3 members of your team to be featured and let’s get started!
Note: saved changes may take up to 20 minutes to be reflected on the live site.
Elite Page Type
Company Culture
Profile Header Text
Culture focused people helpers for brokers and businesses.
Meta Tags Markup
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Insider Page & Insider Job Listings
Perk Vue
Jobs Vue
Culture Vue
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Header Text
Legacy Agencies
Office Type
Introduction Markup

Grab the reader’s attention with a compelling header and introduction that capture the spirit of your culture and give readers a glimpse into the themes you’ll cover below.

Easy Apply Markup
Easy Apply
Manage easy apply job settings.
Offices Markup
Give a clear picture of what your workplace looks like. Provide details about your locations and work styles, and use an optional gallery for each location to show off where the work gets done.
Awards markup
Highlight how awesome your company is by uploading awards you've earned. For example, this is a great place to show off whether you're a 'Best Places to Work' winner!
Add Your Awards

Upload up to 12 award badges as pngs or jpegs with a maximum size of 2MB. They will automatically size to fit within the gallery.

Use the arrows to rearrange the order of your awards.

Teams Markup
Share details about your teams and offer a glimpse of the work, fun and impact that defines the daily grind.
Individual Team pages

Individual Team Pages

Highlight a team, then populate the team’s page with content, photos and featured employees.

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