Ashley Bowden

Ashley Bowden is a Built In news reporter covering technology news in San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles and other markets. She has been on the Built In team since 2020. Bowden has a bachelor of fine arts degree from Long Island University Post. Her work has also appeared in Agent Publishing and other outlets.

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94 Articles
The deal will grant Prime members access to Grubhub+ for one year.
Catch up on the latest developments from the Chicago tech sector.
By adding Encompass to its team, Parts Town’s marketplace will be able to offer OEM home repair parts.
The Skokie-based company recycles carbon emissions into sustainable materials and fuels.
Here are five up-and-coming local startups to watch as we head into 2022.
The company is expanding its global team by 400 with the fresh capital.
The company plans to open 25 new stores this year and triple the size of its team.
The startup is a media and content platform where experts and professionals across a range of industries can offer their personal advice concerning particular products.
Catch up on the latest news from the Chicago tech sector.
Learn how these companies are investing last month's largest funding rounds.
Here’s what happened last week in Chicago tech.
Here’s what happened last week in Chicago tech.