Sneaky Smart

Sneaky Smart

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<p>Its like 5-minute-abs for your brain.</p><p>Each morning, you'll get an email 'lesson' sent to your inbox. &nbsp;Whenever you have 5 minutes during the day, read the email.</p><p>That's it. &nbsp;Read your email and you'll increase your knowledge.</p><p>Waiting for a train, a ride, to checkout at the grocery store, for your food to warm up in the micro, on your lunch break, before you fall asleep - anytime you have 5 minutes to kill, read the email.</p><p>The lessons, in general, are things we should remember from high school, but few of us do. &nbsp;Things like world history, world geography, math, science, literature. &nbsp;</p><p>Visit the site to sign up, and view a few of the recent email lessons. &nbsp;We never sell your email address, and do not spam. &nbsp;Click the unsub link when you want out.</p><p></p>