Advanced Robotics and AI: The Issues they Solve and Create

Written by Chriss Stephens
Published on Jun. 13, 2016
Advanced Robotics and AI: The Issues they Solve and Create

Artificial intelligence and robots are maybe the most exciting technologies currently in the works. These two combined can take a huge burden - that of spending their time with work - off the shoulders of humanity. Imagine the future, when all you need to do all day is relax, listen to music, play online casino games at red flush casino all day long. This all seems like a Utopia, or the ideal Socialism - but it comes with issues you might not have thought of before.

Robots - where we stand today

Robots have been used in large-scale manufacturing for decades. Rows of robotic arms are assembling, welding and painting car parts, circuit boards and other products which can easily be assembled by simple automatons. With the improvement of the intelligence controlling them - the artificial one - these robotic workers will be able to manufacture much more sophisticated products, slowly replacing human workforce in all areas. Robots will be able to work as clerks and waiters, bank tellers and cab drivers, accountants and lawyers - even composers and writers, if they reach a higher lever of creativity. Which is the goal of most artificial intelligence researchers. Which will leave large masses of people with nothing to do.

The unemployment paradox

Robots seem to be the more economically sound choice for businesses in the long run. Robots don't need to eat, they need no health insurance, no downtime, no paid leave, nothing a human worker might require. They can work 24/7, they never go on strike, they don't smoke or drink. They are the perfect workers, especially since they don't need to be paid monthly. But are they really a good solution in the long run? With more and more jobs taken over by robots, businesses will need less human workforce. Again, the only profitable solution for a company is to lay them off. But what happens if too many workers get sent away? Especially if all companies choose robots instead of humans? I'll tell you: the people will run out of money and stop consuming. Ultimately, the companies - that generate profits from humans consuming - end up losing their income, and ultimately they go bankrupt. The only viable way in which robots can take over all work is to eliminate profit from the equation. Until the companies have only one goal - that of generating profits - they have no interest in replacing humans with robots. They will most likely use artificial intelligence for some tasks, like collecting large amounts of data, complex calculations and predictions, but they will never give up on their profits - and never replace humans with automatons. s

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