A developer for Androids? For iPhones? Or for both?

Written by Saran Raj
Published on Apr. 08, 2015
A developer for Androids? For iPhones? Or for both?

The world's market is brimming with Androids and iPhones. This consequently has raised the demand, for developers on both these platforms. You just may be one of them, jumping into different training programs, to master the art of mobile application development services. Yet, the languages used for each of these tasks is totally different and need individual attention. So  how do you select if you want to be a developer for Androids, or for iPhones?

Different regions of the world show preferences for different devices. You will have to keep these figures in mind, before taking a decision of your path. This will not be a problem  in Europe, where many kinds of devices are used, including smatt-phones, iPads and tablets. Yet, the iPhone is more popular in the U.S, while customers in Asia opt for Android devices.

Difference in programming
Mastering the programming languages of both platforms is impossible. However, incidents show a larger leaning of developers to iOs systems, as they generate more income. Many iPhone apps are in paid-formats, which customers readily dish out from their purses. This is especially true for the United States, part of Europe, and Australia.
Yet, the remaining large part of the world's population opt for free mobile applications on androids. This necessitates reasonable knowledge of programming for both Androids, as well as iPhones.  A comforting though is that though the languages are virtually different, the concept and logic behind them remain the same. The recent introduction of Swift for iOS systems, makes this  task easier.

The Need to learn programming for Androids
C'mon, be frank. It does not cost much money or time to learn programming for this platform. So, if additional knowledge can earn you money, why not go for it? There are thousands of application apps and project apps that are waiting to be created. In fact, most companies spend fortunes on finding the right developers.

That is not all. App development also is featured in other operating systems. Phone operating systems like Windows or Rim OS have low competition and their use is limited. Yet, there still is a large market available for Blackberry devices. So when there is a big need, a big deman for the development of android apps; what is stopping you?

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