iPad Mini – A Solid Fourth Leg to Apple’s Mobile Strategy

Written by Adrienne Szewczyk
Published on Oct. 23, 2012
iPad Mini – A Solid Fourth Leg to Apple’s Mobile Strategy


This blog article was written by Lextech's CEO, Alex Bratton, and originally posted on Lextech's blog.

Today, the new iPad Mini joins the ranks of the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch in driving big changes in how we all use technology.

The portability of the iPad Mini is going to push a lot of sales. You’ve probably seen this too — I’m always amazed at the number of people at an interesting sight seeing spot who are holding up iPads to snap pictures. I love my iPad but that’s not exactly the ideal use case for taking pictures while walking around. The iPad Mini will be a perfect fit for people who are looking at a single iDevice for their lives. Small enough to take with anywhere but a large enough screen to be really useful.

Phil Schiller hit on another big reason the mini is going to do well against the Android 7 inch competition — the amount of usable screen space on the iPad Mini is significantly more because of the wider form factor. Typical 7 inch tablets are a 16:9 or 16:10 aspect ratio, meaning they are long and narrow. The iPad Mini’s wider display gives more space for developers to use.

And speaking of developers, we all breathed a huge sigh relief to hear that screen resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels. That means previously created apps will display perfectly without any modifications.

I’ve used a Kindle Fire for reading on and off since it was released but always fall back to my trusty retina iPad with iBooks or the Kindle eBooks. It’s just easier to read. The pages turn smoother. It feels better to hold it. The iPad Mini is going to take a huge chunk out of the Kindle sales. It’s the perfect size for eBooks (I read on the iPhone as well but that’s just not as awesome as the larger screen). And the availability of 4G LTE in the iPad Mini is going to blow away those 7 inch tablets that are WiFi only.

iPad Mini — welcome to the family.

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