Top 5 SEO Design Elements To Put Your Business In The Lead

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Published on Oct. 28, 2014


It's no secret that, for modern entrepreneurs, an engaging, professional and intuitive corporate website is a must. For businesses of every size and scope, online image not only helps broaden the reach of their brands, but for many organizations, it's often the first and only impression it will make without prospective clients.

Having a visually bland and boring website proves a surefire way to encourage visitors to move on and check out the competition.

SEO Design Helps Your Business Connect With Clients In A Meaningful Way

While many business owners understand that they must have a company site that visually compels the masses, many still don't realize that they must dig deeper than mere esthetics to truly maximize the results reaped from their online pages. In order to connect with a specific demographic and gain invaluable online marketing benefits, a company's site must include SEO design elements and strategies. SEO design elements incorporate various website marketing strategies and solutions to strengthen overall promotional yield. In short, it's the only way to go from being a mere pretty online face to a company that truly engages with its consumer niche in the most meaningful way possible.

Know Which SEO Design Elements Can Help Your Company Maximize ROI
When creating your site, keep the following SEO design tips in mind for optimal visitor impact and overall return on investment:

#1: Indexable Content

Indexable content is the content on your site in both text and HTML format that gets recognized by the search engines. It's an invaluable resource for companies in any industry looking to rise in the browser rankings and get noticed by both the search engines and actual human beings. When brainstorming your site with a professional web team, always make sure indexable content receives the attention that it deserves.

#2: URL Construction Guidelines

URL links help visitors identify who you are and what you do. They can give visitors instant insight into your company's purpose, goals and objectives, even before they open the page. A qualified SEO design team will help brainstorm clear, concise, short URLs for the best results.

#3: On Page Optimization

On page optimization includes various programmed and copy factors that help your website garner attention in search strings. Considering some important on page optimization tools when strategizing layout, such as meta tags, HTML coding, keyword placement and keyword density, can make it easier for consumers and search engines to find your business.

#4: No Follow Tags

Essentially, no follow tags are programmed into your site and tell search engines to overlook specific links when indexing your website's content. There is a very fine (and strategic) line to walk when designating your no follow tags. It's important to work with a team that can help you best leverage this tool to your ultimate advantage.

#5: Protecting Your Content

Finally, protecting your content plays a vital role in any successful SEO design. A seasoned team of online marketing experts will work with you throughout the creation process to help protect your content as needed using pings, backlinks and backups, all while sharing it with the right online entities.

About The Author

Looking for a team of veteran SEO design experts to help boost ROI with your online marketing strategies? Design & Promote can help.


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