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Is old machinery a roadblock? Here’s how to transform them into smart machines

Organized By
Softweb Solutions INC
May 24
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Big Data
Data Science

Nowadays, improving performance efficiency of 3M (Man, Machine, and Material) has become an everyday expression of almost all companies to remain competitive. But when it comes to small and mid-sized industrial organizations, machines are of crucial importance because of the capital investment they ask for. To improve performance efficiency of machines, the analysis of current state is essential, but the old machinery is a huge roadblock for many.

That’s why companies from different industries like oil and gas, manufacturing, food and beverage, healthcare, and many more are concerned to know how to capture and evaluate machine data while not replacing the existing machinery. Apart from how to upgrade the data extraction process from old machinery for maximum benefits, during the webinar, our experts will talk about how digitization of old machines will help you to identify bottlenecks, standstills, poor performance, eliminate manual data entry and improve asset utilization. In a nutshell, our representatives will much talk about why and how to jump on the IIoT bandwagon without replacing your old machines.

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  • Introduction
  • Current manufacturing scenario
  • Turmoils with old machinery
  • Why is the existing monitoring system (e.g., SCADA) not enough?
  • How IIoT and edge analytics add value?
  • Value realization with IIoT ecosystem
  • How to quick start with IIoT
  • Q & A

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