Digital Technology Leadership Series - Malcolm Lotzof

Written by Adam Calica
Published on Jan. 20, 2012
Digital Technology Leadership Series - Malcolm Lotzof

The DLTS is a profiling of the most influential people in Chicago's digital technology community.

I wish I knew from the beginning...

I am a strong product person. I always believed that if you build a solid product, people would buy it. I had no idea how powerful and important marketing is in the success of any product. Great marketing positions (and ultimately sells) great products. If people don't clearly know what you are selling, it’s really hard for them to buy, even if the product is great. Product Development, Product Management and Product Marketing all play an equal role in delivering and selling your products and services.


The best advice I ever received...

From my Father. He said, “The best investment you can make is in your education.” What you know is one of the only things that can never be taken away from you. To this day, one of our company’s core values is knowledge. We are a software company, so in effect we sell knowledge (i.e. the knowledge that we use to build our software product). To that end, we promote and reward knowledge heavily.


A startup everyone should know about... 

bXb Online. They’re a Chicago-based company that just launched. They’re a group of industry event experts who are looking to build an online Network of events. The Network will accelerate the power of face-to-face marketing through online business stories and experiences. They selected INXPO to serve as the technology platform for their Network. We’re quite excited about that. 2012 is going to be a tremendous year for the industry.

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