DinnDinn launches with two 19 year old entrepreneur's at the helm

Written by Kyler Juckins
Published on Aug. 30, 2012
DinnDinn launches with two 19 year old entrepreneur's at the helm

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Hello to All,

DinnDinn has launched!! This has been an exciting weeks for us, as our long awaited launch has finally arrived. Thank you to the great work of all the wonderful people at Clique Studios.

DinnDinn is a virtual fridge for all the dishes, drinks, and desserts you love or hate! It allows you to follow your friends, celebrities, and food connoisseurs to see what food they love or hate, take their recommendations and express your opinion too! On DinnDinn you can become 'TasteBuds' with other users by following them and from there you can see their 'fridge', tastes, and TasteBuds too!

Currently, DinnDinn is in its first phase, and we are working towards gaining traction. We have multiple wonderful ideas for our upcoming phases that could revolutionize the way you dine out or even dine in at your own home.

If you have any questions about DinnDinn, please feel free to contact either one of us. We are always more then happy to talk about anything. 

Also, keep an eye out for us at the Built In Chicago - September Launch, we look forward to seeing everyone there! 

So pull out your Android or iOS powered phones, and try out DinnDinn. Also, make sure to submit a rating on either the Google Play store or the App Store. 


Kyler W. Juckins

Jeremy A. Markham

Co-Founders at DinnDinn LLC




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