Donate to send me back to school!

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Published on Mar. 05, 2014
Donate to send me back to school!

June 2012, I left Drexel. That term, I had began a recovery process that would span until today - and still continues. The previous 6 months I had done nothing but get into and find trouble. I had entered Drexel turning down admission and scholarship from the University of Chicago (ranked #5 in the US) and had entered Drexel on scholarship and in their top business program. Over that summer, things began to change. 

That Fall, I had transferred to a local outfit of Indiana University, however, at semester end we were unable to pay off the remaining tuition balance. Our credit was poor from the housing crisis where my Dad invested in real estate and was still hemorrhaging other mortgages. This made it increasingly difficult to get a loan and financial aid did not take this into account. 

Now, after almost two years out, I am looking to go back. With your support, I am gathering donations and signatures to enable me to go back to school and graduate. Education is the backbone of our economy and our society. I would like to continue my education and see it through.

I want to attend the University of Pennsylvania as a computer science (or computer information science) student! Here is my programming background:

Doing and Done:

  • Thinkful Front-end course and Ruby on Rails Course
  • Starter League Beginner Front-end course
  • Pragmatic Studio Ruby and Ruby on Rails course
  • Many other online courses such as CodeSchool, Codecademy, Treehouse, Hartl  Tutorial and many more
  • Grown Domi to over 300 users and a full launch in the next week
  • More can be found on my LinkedIn page

Potentially Coming Up:

  • Thinkful Angular.js course
  • Thinkful or IOS course
  • Android course

Please, sign my petition and, if you feel inclined, donate to my Crowdtilt campaign!

Thanks for reading this, 

Mike Adeleke

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Productivity • Software