Rocket Fuel Labs Launches startups with Codeship

Written by Lance Ennen
Published on Aug. 25, 2013
Rocket Fuel Labs Launches startups with Codeship

Rocket Fuel Labs Launches startups with Codeship

Rocket Fuel Labs believes in testing your code.

Ever wonder why your code is broken? It's probably because you’re not testing properly.

How do the Best in the Business Run Tests?

NASA tested its space shuttles by taking the engines apart and testing every single component to make sure they were all green (passing). Once every test passed, they would put the engine back together, run the test suite again and then, when everything passed the final round, NASA knew it was safe to put astronauts into space for a successful mission.

Rocket Fuel Labs has the same goals with our partners. Each application we work on in our lab gets fully tested like NASA would test their engines before launching.

Each feature of your application has a test written around it. For example: if your site has credit card processing, you would want to know before deploying your application to your production servers that it works. That’s where CodeShip comes in.

What is Codeship?

Codeship is a continuous integration and testing platform that enables your team to work on each and every aspect of the code in a seamless and secure manner. After assigning tests to each section of code and receiving verifications the tests pass, you know the final product is ready to deploy and your clients get the perfect site or app.

Codeship integrates your source codes, hosting and notifications. They support Github and Bitbucket for testing your public and/or private repositories. Codeship also loads straight to Heroku, Engine Yard or use their “Script Deployment” to run any script and deploy it anywhere. You can also tailor notifications and their frequency coming into email, Hipchat, Campfire, Flowdock, Grove, and Github.

Codeship Keeps Our Team on the Same Page

Continuous integration and testing puts all our developers on the same page. It closes the gap from the time one developer works on code to the next time it is updated, creating a seamless flow of production.

Some teams have hundreds of developers. That’s hundreds of people touching the code, everyday. With Codeship, just like the teams at NASA, every single part is noted, tested and verified so each and every person working on the code knows exactly why it’s there and its function.

All our partners get fully tested applications with Rspec, Cucumber, and Capybara. We have partnered with CodeShip to run these test suites before deploying our partner’s applications and more importantly, before their customers reach the application. This allows us to ALWAYS ship clean and tested code.

Codeship and Rocket Fuel Labs

Rocket Fuel Labs uses Codeship because we believe in delivering the perfect product to the client. The startup environment is fraught with time sensitivity, stress and the anxiety of hitting that final button to the deploy. We’re excited to be partnering with Codeship. Using their platform, we can share and test all of our applications at a speed that is sufficient to adhere to our 3 week to prototype philosophy.

It’s all about getting things done quickly and getting them done right. By using Codeship’s continuous integration and deployment platform we’re running at lightning speed, zero errors, happy partners and repeat users.

Say Hello!

Lance Ennen, CTO
Rocket Fuel Labs


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