Chicago Ideas Week Lab Host Applications Now Open

Written by Prash Sabharwal
Published on Apr. 13, 2012

Chicago Ideas Week Logo

For one week each October, Chicago Ideas Week transforms Chicago into the global hub for new ideas, an ecosystem of innovation and a playground of intellectual recreation. 

One of the central components of the week is Labs. CIW Labs offer opportunities for participants to experience and explore the best of Chicago like never before.

Exclusive, behind-the-scenes experiences give participants a unique glimpse into the inner workings of businesses and institutions that are otherwise unavailable to the public. Small groups will explore what it’s like for business leaders in the boardroom, go behind the curtain at leading theaters and venues, and discover “how-it-works” in hands-on workshops.

If your venture is a place of innovation and you are glad to provide a unique behind-the-scenes experience to a group of attendees, you should apply to be a CIW lab host.

Check out last year's labs and apply to be a lab host here:

For questions regarding labs, please contact me at [email protected]


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