Kickstarter success in just 24 hours!

Written by Matt Wolff
Published on Jul. 25, 2013
Kickstarter success in just 24 hours!

We launched our Kickstarter last night at 7PM surrounded by our fellow geeks, gamers, and cultural enthusiasts. The first half hour or so was a bit slow, but things really skyrocketed quickly and we went home from the launch event almost halfway to our $9,750 goal. Today likewise went really well and I'm happy to report we surpassed that goal in just 24 hours! Now w're on our way toward our stretch goals and making good progress, but the month isn't over yet! We have plenty of time left to get to our new set of goals, the most immediate being at $20,000 where we'll be able to afford licensing for a second movie night every week, bigger televisions, an expanded board game library and, as a perk for those then back us at levels including membership in our Very Important Geek program, a customized membership card with their name and face on them! As of this morning we have about $8,000 to go til we get there, we can do it!

Check out our Kickstarter at and share it with everyone you know. Pledge today and be a part of the future of geek culture in Chicago!

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