One Word To Describe Energy CX’s Company Culture: Fulfilling

At the Chicago-based energy brokerage, every employee is encouraged to make an impact.

Written by Mia Goulart
Published on Jul. 15, 2024
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According to Merriam-Webster, the verb “fulfill” is defined as satisfying a need or desire, “measuring up to” a standard or “developing the full potentialities” of something.  

For Energy CX employees, fulfillment encapsulates the feeling they experience after a day’s work, embodying the essence of their company culture. 

This driving sense of accomplishment boosts employee engagement by making employees feel valued and empowered to contribute. It can also distinguish a company in attracting and retaining top talent, which a recent study found to be crucial for 88 percent of prospective employees.

However, achieving this demands ongoing, sincere commitment from leadership — a quality exemplified by Energy CX. 

“Development of the people here is a top priority and you can feel that everywhere, from meetings with managers to one-on-one meetings with leadership,” said Energy CX Business Development Manager Jordan Quertermous. 

Built In Chicago recently sat down with Quertermous to delve deeper into Energy CX’s company culture and its impact on team growth. 


Jordan Quertermous
Business Development Manager • Energy CX

Energy CX is one of the fastest-growing energy brokerages in the nation. 


Describe your company culture in one word. 

Fulfilling. Development of the people here is a top priority and you can feel that everywhere — from meetings with managers to one-on-one meetings with our head of culture and development. It’s refreshing to be at a company where you not only feel cared about on both a personal and professional level, but also know that your ideas are heard and embraced. Every employee, no matter their position, is able to contribute and have an impact.


“Every employee, no matter their position, is able to have an impact.”


How long have you been with the company? What professional development have you experienced in this time?

It will be two years this fall. The development I’ve experienced has come as a result of doing many different things. I began as an individual contributor and was able to move into a role managing our sales representatives, and more recently, our growing customer success team. 

Being able to interact with the people in these roles more often and to be able to see their role in more detail has helped me grow. I’m able to see each department through a different lens and get a much better feel for how they interact with one another. 


Energy CX team smiling in front of the Chicago River.
Energy CX



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Shutterstock and listed companies.