5 Reasons Every B2B Company Should Have its Own App

Written by Laura O. Tolentino
Published on Apr. 22, 2016
5 Reasons Every B2B Company Should Have its Own App

Every startup faces a certain degree of competition in any industry, but the standards you're expected to meet will vary depending on whether you're operating in a B2C (business to consumer) or B2B (business to business) environment. When your client base consists primarily of other company owners and managers who rely on your company as a supplier of goods and services that are crucial for the continuity of their business, you can expect that there will be a lower tolerance for shortcomings and mishaps. Apps help you simplify and enhance processes to reduce the likelihood of errors and keep clients involved from their mobile devices.

Note: If you're not sure what kind of app could be beneficial for your business model, consider consulting with a group of professional app designers for a brainstorming session. Look for a team that is based in close proximity to your business, as this will increase reliability and make face-to-face collaboration more convenient. For example, a business located in London would be better off dealing with a reputable local development company like Magora UK, versus the international alternative of opting for a group of developers based here in Chicago.

With all of that said, here are 5 reasons every B2B company should have its own app:

1. Improving Communication and Collaboration

B2B apps can have messaging and video chat capabilities built in. You can also have project management and scheduling interfaces included. These digital facilities allow you and your clients to operate more efficiently from any device, rather than being tied to a desktop or having to rely on several different apps for productivity.

2. Increasing Satisfaction through Streamlined Support

Most B2B companies provide support via a few main methods – email, chat, and phone. While all of these contact methods can already be accessed on a mobile device, consider the benefits of centralizing all of it into the backend interface of a single custom app for a more convenient and proprietary support system.

3. Helping Clients Achieve and Analyse Objectives

Project management always works best when you design the administrative systems yourself. A robust B2B app can help your clients monitor progress and make adjustments based on analytical reports. For example, a trucking company can use a B2B app to keep track of the location of its trucks, inventory delivered, load/unload control, vehicle optimisation, and other similar statistics.

4. Enhancing the Business Operations of Clients

When you serve other businesses your goal should be to make their company operate more efficiently and achieve better results. An app can help you accomplish this by creating new ways for clients to cater to their customers.

5. Adding an Extra Feature to Your Service

Finally, a commonly overlooked yet massive advantage of having your own app is that it is an extra selling point to mention on your sales page or during pitches. Of course, having a feature-rich and well-branded mobile app obviously looks more professional than not having one.

Make Your App Relevant and Useful

In closing, it is strongly advisable to avoid the spammy route of having a basic app re-purposed with your branding inserted. There are enough companies out there that put very little effort or thought into mobile app development. If you're going to pursue an app for your business, at least make it relevant and useful to your operations, not just a re-branded messenger or some other basic template that won't impress anybody.

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