mLevel lands $5 million Series A to ditch boring corporate training

Written by Sam Dewey
Published on Jul. 10, 2015
mLevel lands $5 million Series A to ditch boring corporate training


Who said learning can’t be fun? They clearly never met mLevel.

The Chicago-based company delivers corporate training to Fortune 500 companies and small businesses alike through easy-to-use, entertaining, and engaging games and videos—accessible on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.

“The key to our mission is that training in most corporations sucks,” said mLevel CEO Dave Cutler. “It’s boring and it’s ineffective. We are re-inventing training to be fun, engaging, and impactful. We make heavy use of the things that we all enjoy doing and using in our personal lives—social, mobile, and fun competition, and we use actual games to help train because they are fun and a great way to educate.”

Whoever said learning can’t be be fun also never met Atlanta’s BIP Capital, who just invested $5 million in the company’s Series A round and quite literally buys into what mLevel says about corporate training.

“mLevel is one of the fastest growing companies BIP Capital has invested in. The company has signed a marquee list of enterprise clients and is showing signs of producing break-out growth,” said Scott Pressly, co-founder and managing partner of BIP Capital in a statement. “The company is addressing a multi-billion dollar, global industry and its client-acquisition-rate is impressive. We are optimistic about what mLevel can become.”

mLevel was incubated within Chicago’s Slalom Consulting, which focuses on spearheading actionable solutions to complex business problems. In mLevel’s case, that meant designing and developing a learning platform that concurrently tracks knowledge metrics, predicts future performances, underscores knowledge gaps, and keeps employees entertained and engaged.

According to a company statement, the company has seen steady growth and entertains a devoted pool of clients. With the new batch of funding, they hope to accelerate growth even faster by amping up their sales and marketing efforts.

The team behind mLevel currently stands at 22, and Cutler said he is incredibly intentional about growing that number.

“While we are growing at a good pace," he said, "we are working hard to not grow too fast. Culture is very important to us, and we’d rather make sure the people we bring on are the right people and we have the focus on getting them fully ingrained in the company versus bringing people on and hoping they can fend for themselves. I’ve seen too many great people get lost in companies that are growing too fast.”

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