25 Awesome Mark Cuban Quotes From #BSIcuban

Written by Marvin Russell
Published on Mar. 07, 2014
25 Awesome Mark Cuban Quotes From #BSIcuban

I've had two heroes in my life. During my childhood it was Michael Jordan for obvious reasons. I wanted to be in the NBA more than anything in the world. But with a 5'8" frame, the odds were stacked heavily against me.

As an adult and serial entrepreneur I'm not ashamed to say that Mark Cuban is my hero. Today, I had the pleasure of attending a live interview of Mark Cuban, presented by the folkes at Blue Sky Innovative. During this incredibly inspiring interview, Mark Cuban said something that was monumental to me,"Business is a sport". Holy Sh#t! He is so right. I grind it out everyday fighting off the competition and constantly making strategic moves. In addition to that eye-opening quote, Mark said about 24 other things that were so important that I rushed to write this post so I could to share them with you.


 1. "You gotta grind."

~ Mark Cuban


2. "You've gotta work like there is someone out there trying to kick your a@$ cuz there is!" 

~ Mark Cuban


3. "Doesn't matter how many times you fail; you only have to be right once." 

~ Mark Cuban


4. "The idea is the least important part."  

~ Mark Cuban


5. "...is the glass half full or half empty?' and all I know is I wanna be the guy pouring the water." 

~ Mark Cuban


6. "You've got to work like someone is trying to steal your business." 

~ Mark Cuban


7. "Sales, finance and accounting are keys to entrepreneurial success." 

~ Mark Cuban


8. "Preparation, Application, Implementation: PAI." 

~ Mark Cuban


9. "Be prepared. Figure out how to apply your idea. Grind...do the work." 

~ Mark Cuban


10. Today is the youngest you're ever going to be - take advantage of it! 

~ Mark Cuban's Dad


11. "I love talking to entrepreneurs" Why? "Because I want to know whose ass I'm gonna kick." 

~ Mark Cuban


12. "Everyone has the will to win, but only a few have the will to prepare to win." 

~ Mark Cuban quating Bobby Knight


13. "You have to combine smarts with luck."

~ Mark Cuban


14. "If you're happy when you're poor, you're gonna be happy when you're rich."

~ Mark Cuban


15. "It takes time to trust but once you start to trust, people will come back in droves…they want to be part of the change."

~ Mark Cuban


16. "There's no one more competitive than me. Business is a sport."

~ Mark Cuban


17. "If your happy when your poor, you will be even happier being rich"

~ Mark Cuban


18. "No one has no competition."

~ Mark Cuban


19. "If you don't know what to do, do nothing."

~ Mark Cuban


20. "If you can sell, you'll never be unemployed"

~ Mark Cuban


21. "When things go badly, you can't let it get you down."

~ Mark Cuban

22. "Sales cures all."

~ Mark Cuban

23. "Google & Apple own the on-ramps to the Internet"

~ Mark Cuban

24. "If you bust your ass, anything is possible."

~ Mark Cuban

25. "The American dream is alive & well."

~ Mark Cuban
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