9 Energy Efficient Ways to Heat Your Home

Written by Alisha Christofer
Published on Oct. 05, 2016
9 Energy Efficient Ways to Heat Your Home

Energy companies are continually raising fees for energy consumption. Added with global warming which has tipped the balance in climate, homeowners are put under a lot of pressure to save without suffering from the bitter cold during winter days. Luckily, there are more affordable and energy efficient ways to heat your home:

1. Tin Foils

One way to let heat stay in the room is to attach tin foils to the walls. This strategy allows heat to reflect back into the room, keeping it warm and cosy. Even kitchen foil can be used. However, they are not as effective as the specific foil used for heating rooms.

2. Thick curtains

Oftentimes, heat is loss through the window. Thick curtains are an affordable option to letting the heat stay. You should choose the thickest curtains for the job. If you want, you can also cover doors with curtains to prevent heat from escaping. Alternatives to curtains would be rugs or shower drapes.

3. Sunlight

Free sources of heat should be utilised as much as possible. This includes the natural rays of the sun. Windows and their curtains should be opened during the day, and closed at sunset.

4. Cover chimney.

It is commonplace to have chimneys purely for decoration. If this is the case, chimney balloons can be attached inside the chimney for two purposes. The balloon allows heat to stay in and keeps the cold air from entering your house. However, they should always be removed once chimney fires are started.

5. Shelf above radiator

Placing a shelf on top of the radiator can aid in channelling heat. The shelf will prevent the heat from rising directly from the radiator. It is particularly effective when the radiator is below a window with curtains since heat can be trapped between them.

6. Unused rooms

Unused rooms should all be shut. This will ensure that the heat kept in your house will not be wasted on these rooms. Also, this prevents the unused room’s cold air from contaminating the house.

7. Cover floorboards

One of the many factors of heat loss is flooring. Bare floors should be covered with carpets or rugs to prevent wasting heat. The warmth on your feet is a welcomed bonus. Also, when cracks and openings exist on your floor, be sure to squirt fillers into them.

8. Foam rolls

Another source of heating is insulation, which can be done for your whole house. Foam rolls can provide your household with the needed warmth. Moreover, it is affordable for anyone seeking to save.

9. Loft hatch

One mistake that is often committed is disregarding the loft hatch. The loft hatch can easily be insulated using the same adhesive strips used for the windows and doors. Also, it would be worth your time to see if any of your roof tiles are gone, since they account for a significant amount loss of insulation.



Proper heating is important in many households, particularly in wintertime. Hopefully, most of these energy-efficient ways of heating apply to your home. If all else fails, you can always find comfort in wood burning and multi-stoves.

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