Consumer Analytics & Understanding Drives Buying Decisions

Written by Scott Schaffer
Published on Sep. 15, 2016
Consumer Analytics & Understanding Drives Buying Decisions

The recruiting industry is inundated with recruiters asking their clients questions, wanting more information about the internal technology stack, why a candidate is rejected, etc. Clients equally want more candidate information from their recruiters such as salary history, why a candidate left a job (x number of positions ago), and other specific information. This world if far too well known.

Information is critical and no customer in today's world spends money to hire a individual, purchase a SaaS platform, or pay a vendor for a service without fully understanding what they will receive in return. If a potential customer is looking at 2 vendors, aside from price, the vendor who presents the most digestible and actionable information typically wins the deal.

Companies have turned their time, attention, and wallets to e-commerce, online shopping cart abandonment, predictive analytics, and strengthening their relationship with their customer base. A company that is succeeding in this space is McNabb Technologies with their TouchCR SaaS analytics solution.

Howard Tullman, CEO of 1871, wrote a Built-In-Chicago article on successful start-ups. He specifically mentions McNabb Technologies and how they "integrated with Salesforce in order to first address their own selling and service needs and now they make the platform available to others." The TouchCR platform helps in "accessing the critical data streams and providing a SaaS-type dashboard service to [their] consumer".

It's important when sorting through the hundreds of "analytics" (isn't this new branding age a fantastic thing?!) companies to ask questions. A few good questions to ask include the following:

  • How does your solution integrate to my existing data/database? (i.e. - how easy/complicated will it be to integrate)
  • How does your product/company compare to competitor X and Y? (i.e. - do they know their space and what does this mean for your business)
  • What will the ROI be on your product for my business' bottom line? (i.e. - just because the product works, will it work for your specific business)

Your data is your business - so don't take a chance on not asking questions. Any SaaS sales person should be happy to answer additional questions to ease a prospective customer's concern/confusion. If they're not, then they're not worth your time or your company's money; plus there are plenty of other fish in the sea.

To learn more about McNabb Technologies, please follow them here or connect with Al Corona, Kevin Carlson, and Tracy Julian for more information.


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