Find your way: How Enfusion’s team members steer their own careers

One-stop financial technology company Enfusion is recruiting diverse, top-level talent from all experience levels. From senior leaders to junior developers, team members describe a culture built around sharing knowledge, staying flexible and growing together.

Written by Peter Jurmu
Published on Aug. 20, 2018
Find your way: How Enfusion’s team members steer their own careers
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With thousands of daily trades and billions of dollars at stake, investment brokers rely on smooth transactions and clear follow-through. Enfusion, a one-stop financial technology company integrating data warehousing, investment management and fund services, has built its reputation on reliability and responsiveness.

Key to Enfusion’s development and support efforts is the recruitment of diverse, top-level talent from all experience levels. From senior leaders to junior developers, new team members spoke to us about a culture built around sharing knowledge, staying flexible and growing together.


Enfusion Office 1
Photography by Chris Murphy
Enfusion Office 2
Photography by Chris Murphy
Enfusion Logo
Photography by Chris Murphy



EMPLOYEES: Globally, 153; locally, 77.

WHAT THEY DO: Enfusion creates investment management software and outsourced services to brokerages.


PERKS: 401(k) matching, education stipends, free lunch, a fully-stocked kitchen and a casual work environment.


Meyer Team 1

Meyer Portrait 1


Jennifer Meyer, Head of Middle Office Services

In her work managing the Global Fund Services group at Enfusion, Jennifer oversees middle- and back-office tasks on behalf of clients. With more than 20 years of experience in the industry, she works with her team to tackle everything from daily and monthly reconciliations to processing corporate actions and interacting with clients.

BEYOND WORK: Jennifer enjoys outdoor activities, and is an avid football fan.


What opportunities have you found to apply your investment background to your work at Enfusion?

I have spent the majority of my career working at hedge funds in a middle- or back-office capacity. Consequently, I have extensive experience with reconciliations and post-trade processing. I share what I’ve learned with my team members, using examples of things that have caused issues for me in the past, and try to help the team understand how to avoid similar issues. The client perspective is important to bring into those discussions. Since I was in a client role for a long time, I often can add color to a client’s request.


I look for someone who wants to learn why and how things are done, as opposed to simply following a procedure.”


How do you weigh the qualifications of a potential new team member?

I look for someone who wants to learn why and how things are done, as opposed to simply following a procedure. Back-office and middle-office roles are not always the most glamorous positions in a tech or financial services company, but they play a vital role. I think it is important to be inquisitive, and be able to adapt to a fast-paced environment. Ultimately, I want to hire someone I feel will be a positive addition.


What is your approach to helping your team manage the day to day, as well as longer-term projects and career goals?

There is no shortage of work that needs to be done, and fortunately, there is a wide variety of tasks. In addition to daily tasks, we are creating new service offerings and improving existing ones. Some projects require working closely with developers, while others may be more focused on specific clients. I try to work with all of my team members to make sure they are involved with projects they are interested in, and that they get exposure to different parts of the company and different asset types. The goal, of course, is to complete all required tasks, but while continuing to learn and get exposure to new things.


Huo Team 1

Huo Portrait 1


Jing Huo, Software Developer

As a software developer on the valuation and interface teams at Enfusion, Huo is deeply connected to the development cycle: designing, developing, testing, packaging, deploying and helping to support.

BEYOND WORK: Huo loves to read across a broad spectrum of forms, genres and subjects, like finance, literature, arts and physics. Reading keeps her keen and articulate, she says.


Enfusion provided me with a perfect starting point to dive deep into finance and technology.”


With your background in computer science, how did you get started in financial technology?

I knew almost nothing about this field when I was back at school, but I was very interested in it. Finance seemed like a complicated and sophisticated science. Enfusion provided me with a perfect starting point to dive deep into finance and technology, where I can use my skills in computer science and learn new things as well. Through my work, I am exposed to business logic and mathematical models, and I feel lucky to understand those as a programmer.


How does your typical day play out as a developer?

I spend more than half of a typical day doing development-related work: coding for new features and fixing bugs, maintaining test frameworks, researching for the product development team, and solving problems with product consultants to meet client needs. The rest of my time I spend supporting, watching servers and keeping them healthy. We have team meetings weekly, and attend training sessions occasionally.


What is your team’s approach to problem-solving?

We have strong team spirit as a whole. We always diagnose issues and discuss the problems together instead of trying to solve them alone. I wasn’t very familiar with server-side maintenance before, but other team members shared their expertise with me and invited me to watch them troubleshoot. A new member recently joined our team, and I’m glad that he will get hands-on experience in the same way I did.


Vuong Team 1

Vuong Portrait 1


Trang Vuong, Lead Product Consultant

As lead product consultant, Vuong supports a diverse global investment management client base. Her responsibilities encompass a broad range of tasks, but all are geared toward ensuring smooth transactions end to end, keeping lines of communication open and mentoring new team members.

BEYOND WORK: Vuong enjoys playing strategy board games. She likes the competitive element, she says, but she has also observed improvements in her leadership and critical and strategic thinking skills at work.


As someone who recently became team lead, what leadership qualities do you think are necessary to support your team members?

Availability plays a key role in being a good team lead, and I support my team by always being there for them. By answering questions and assisting team members when they struggle, I also build trust and dependability.

I used to be in my team members’ shoes, so I understand how important it is to have someone in your corner. For example, if someone came to me and said they were burned out, I would set up some time with them to evaluate their workload and wellbeing, and potentially distribute their tasks among some colleagues until they recover. With the team culture we have, everyone is happy to help each other. The process would also look toward the future and how I can help them avoid the situation arising again.


At Enfusion, it is up to you to decide your career path and your progress within the company.”


What would you say is a typical trajectory for someone joining the product team at Enfusion?

The product is rapidly changing, which makes my role challenging. My goal is to constantly enlarge my knowledge and grow professionally, and Enfusion is giving me many opportunities to do so. At Enfusion, it is up to you to decide your career path and your progress within the company. For example, there is no set career path or duration for seniority in product consulting. Instead, your trajectory depends on your interests and capability. I had the opportunity to become a team lead after six months with Enfusion, and the trust reflected in that opportunity motivates me to continue contributing to the team and the company.


How have you observed your team culture meshing with the broader company culture at Enfusion?

Compared to other companies where I’ve worked, Enfusion has a more open and rewarding culture. Everyone here is very approachable, including the president and managing partners. It makes the work environment more relaxed and casual.

We also keep our team communication open. We are a diverse team with people from different backgrounds and levels of experience, so each of us benefit from the others through our experience and knowledge. One thing I recently started doing is posting unresolved work questions in our team chat. It benefits everyone else on the team to see the learning process, especially if they don’t know the answers yet. That way, everyone learns at the same time.

Responses have been edited for clarity and length.

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