For the love of benefits: How Evive’s team rallies around its mission

Evive’s team aims to help people achieve their life goals and flourish. We spoke with three employees about what that mission means to them.

Written by Brian Nordli
Published on Sep. 28, 2018
For the love of benefits: How Evive’s team rallies around its mission
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Navigating a benefits package can be like trying to read another language, leading to unnecessary stress and missed opportunities.

That’s where Evive comes in. The company’s platform serves as a guide through the world of perks for its users, coaching them on how to access preventative care options, save for retirement, find childcare and more.

In short: Evive’s team aims to help people achieve their life goals and flourish. We spoke with three employees about what that mission means to them.


Evive Chicago office
PHOTOS VIA Aubrey Herr
Evive Chicago tech company
PHOTOS VIA Aubrey Herr
Evive Chicago office
PHOTOS VIA Aubrey Herr



EMPLOYEES: 181 (93 local)

WHAT THEY DO: Evive’s platform combines big data and predictive analytics to help people make the most of their work benefits.


THE PERKS: Employees receive paid health coverage and a 401(k) match at 4 percent. They also receive a $500 bonus into their 401(k)s on their first and second work anniversaries.

GO GREEN: Evive employees started a green initiative to reduce their ecological footprints both as an office and in their personal lives.


Evive Chicago tech jobs

Evive Chicago tech jobs


Andres Gonzalez, UI Designer

Andres is responsible for everything from strategy to user testing and design. He works with his team to build products that address challenges people experience with their health care benefits.

BEYOND WORK: Andres loves playing board games and role-playing games.


How is Evive’s culture different from previous companies you’ve worked for?

When I interviewed with Evive two years ago, I met with Peter Saravis, one of our founders. I remember having a conversation about how I wanted a place to put down roots and make a positive impact. His empathy and conviction in the good that Evive does won me over. He spoke about Evive’s commitment to being a workplace where every employee is able to have an influence and improve what the company is doing.


What attracted you to Evive?

I searched for a long time to find a company that had the right mindset and would give me a sense of fulfillment. I found that at Evive. Evive not only impacts people’s health but also how they live their lives.

Work is such a large part of a person’s life, and the benefits and support platforms that go with that work can make all the difference in how someone goes from subsisting to flourishing. That may sound grandiose, but benefits encompass so many aspects of life, including health, student loan assistance, professional growth, financial counsel, childcare and more. At Evive, there’s so much room to help people get the most out of their lives.


At Evive, there’s so much room to help people get the most out of their lives.”


How have you seen the culture evolve from when you first started at Evive?

We’ve more than doubled in size since I started, and while we’ve had some growing pains, we remain a company that cares strongly about impact. Everyone, from the founders to the interns, reflect on their work and have tough conversations that lead to transformations in the company.


How has working at Evive influenced your perception of the healthcare industry?

I was a newbie to the healthcare industry, which is incredibly complex. It’s our job to help employees not only make sense of their healthcare and benefit offerings, but to help those benefits to become a source of relief and security.

While working at Evive, I had my first surgery. Our engagement campaigns influenced how I sought out medical care. Figuring out what urgent care center is in-network and deciding on a corresponding hospital to go to is not something most people think about before they have to. Having the tools, resources and a place to turn to for help is so vital.


Evive Chicago tech jobs

Evive Chicago tech jobs


McKenzi Higgins, Technical Account Analyst

McKenzi serves as the liaison between Evive’s professional services and agile development teams. She translates a client’s business requirements into application definitions, workflows and solutions throughout implementation and post-implementation.

BEYOND WORK: McKenzi plays volleyball competitively on an Evive-sponsored team that competes year-round.


What opportunities are there for growth at the company?

As the organization grows, there are always opportunities to get your hands on new projects that drive the company forward. I’ve had the opportunity to work with nearly every team in our organization and learn from our leadership through projects I’ve taken on. This has allowed me to move across teams at Evive and gain a deeper understanding of our business.


There are always opportunities to get your hands on new projects that drive the company forward.”


What does the company’s mission mean to you?

Our work helps people progress toward the life goals they care about. Providing a solution that makes benefits accessible and personalized has such a positive impact. We help people learn how to use their benefits more effectively, know when to complete a preventative health screening, how to save for retirement and more. It’s really powerful.


How has that mission influenced your own life?

Last year, we had the opportunity to volunteer as an organization at the Greater Chicago Food Depository, a nonprofit organization that fights hunger throughout Cook County. It was amazing to see the Evive team work together outside the office to achieve a common goal.


Evive Chicago tech jobs

Evive Chicago jobs


Mansi Parekh, Communication Specialist

Mansi collaborates with her team to manage client communications, create client-related content, process reporting requests and coordinate with external vendors. She also tests and provides feedback on new products and features to ensure they meet specifications.

BEYOND WORK: Mansi enjoys riding her bike, playing with Leo, her Great Pyrenees dog, and cooking.


How has working at Evive influenced your own experience with benefits?

To work for a company that impacts people’s health encourages me to make better decisions about my own health and wealth. I do this by living a healthier lifestyle and ensuring I take advantage of all my benefits. Knowing I am helping people make decisions that benefit them makes me proud.


Knowing I am helping people make decisions that benefit them makes me proud.”


What company tradition means the most to you?

Once a week, the entire team will come together and have lunch that is provided by the company. Thanks to this tradition, I’m able to mingle with someone I would not normally meet on a day-to-day basis. This allows me to learn about their role and get to know them on a personal level.


What opportunities do employees have in shaping the company’s culture?

Recently, a group of Evive employees realized our office is not as green as it could be. In our all-staff meeting, they introduced the concept of “Going Green,” encouraging others to make choices that can help sustain the planet we live on. I hope to integrate this change into my lifestyle and see it become a bigger part of the company’s culture.


Responses have been edited for length and clarity.

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