Get teched: Chicago's app of the week is Trunq

Written by Sam Dewey
Published on Jan. 08, 2016
Get teched: Chicago's app of the week is Trunq

Welcome to Built In Chicago’s newest weekly feature, Tech Spotlight of the Week! In this series, we’ll be highlighting locally built tech apps and products each Friday. If you’d like to be considered for inclusion in the future, send your pitch to [email protected].

Kicking off the series is Chicago-based

, a private storage space for all of your favorite digital content. Trunq is a sort of cloud-based treasure chest for all of the most meaningful moments you experience digitally.

As content sharing continues to explode in popularity, it’s harder for social media devotees to flag and revisit their favorite moments from days and years past. Snapchats vanish, pictures of a favorite nephew are sandwiched between vast seas of food pics and selfies, and touching videos get buried beneath screenshots of directions.

The amount of content available online has swelled to elephantine proportions, distracting us from the shared experiences that matter most.

Trunq is aiming to change that. With the app, users can take videos or photos natively or upload existing videos, photos, audio, or PDF files.

Moments and mementos can also be shared with other Trunq users, but the app is private by design. Content within a user’s “trunq” is organized in a scrapbook-esque gallery and will never be seen by the public unless it’s intentionally shared. In addition, users can take advantage of the app’s “Later” feature, which wraps up video or photo messages and delivers them to a friend’s account in advance of a special occasion, like a birthday or holiday. The gift sits un-openable in the user's gallery until the selected date and time.

The venture-backed app officially launched in July of 2015 and available on both iOS and Android.

Photo via Trunq/Facebook. 

Have a tip for us or know of a company that deserves coverage? Email us via [email protected].

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