A Valentine's Day Thanks From Project Fixup

Written by Sarah Press
Published on Feb. 14, 2013
A Valentine's Day Thanks From Project Fixup

February 14th is the dating startup's version of Thanksgiving, so I wanted to take a minute to thank all of you all for all the support you've provided to Project Fixup to date. 

Our success to date has been because of all of you - particularly those who have signed up to give Project FIxup a shot, but also the many of you who have reached out with advice, ideas, or just sent a tweet or two our way. 
I was particularly reminded of how freaken awesome the Chicago entrepreneurship community is a few days ago, when I sent out a post to the mstech community - a fantastic group of female entrepreneurs and techies created by the lovely and talented Nicole Yeary - asking for their help getting the word out about Project Fixup in advance of some of Valentine's Day. 
Within hours, Meghan Tommasi had connected me with a contact Redeye who wrote a great article about us (a short series actually!).  Lisa Ghisolf from Gizmo Designs offered to write about us in the Thriftista. Elise Fox offered career advice, Nicole Crimaldi Emerick said we might be geat for an interview with Ms Career Girl, Nicole suggested I speak at the Ms Tech Sweet on Startups event.... this was all in a matter of HOURS!
We have an incredible community here and thanks from the bottom of my heart to all of you. 
As a Valentine's Day thank you (and just because it seemed like a fun idea), we're giving away free fixups to every new member who signs up to Project Fixup by February 16th. Which may sound like a crazy idea - my Dad in fact called me today to share his concern that he saw on facebook that we were giving away our product - but we're pretty excited about the opportunity to have more people give Project Fixup a shot. 
If you haven't tried Project Fixup yet, there is no time like the present. If you have single friends (who you don't secretly hate) now is the time to suggest that they give it a shot.
And again, email me anytime and always at [email protected] if there's anything I can do to help you - I've benefited a lot from this incredible community and love to pay it forward. 
Thanks again, have an awesome night (come stop by our Valentine's Day Party and say hi!) and talk to you soon!


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