WebCurfew Comes out of Beta and Launches WebSafeguards

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Published on Jun. 12, 2014
WebCurfew Comes out of Beta and Launches WebSafeguards

WebCurfew, a cloud-based parental control service, is coming out of Beta and announcing the launch of a new feature, WebSafeguards, its content filtering tool that will allow parents to block websites (and categories of websites) based on over 60 pre-defined content categories to ensure that their children remain safe online.

With no software to download, WebCurfew provides a intuitive and easy-to-use solution for parents who are currently overwhelmed with our tech-connected society. WebSafeguards will allow parents to block websites based on specific content categories.


WebSafeguards works at the “home” level and will secure all devices that connect to the home router to access the Internet.  And the best part… it’s FREE!  Parents can create a WebSafeguard to block any mature content such as porn, gambling, alcohol and drug use, etc., to make sure that their kids are safe and cannot access those websites. They can also create lists of exceptions, white lists and black lists of websites that should be always on or off, based on your specific criteria.

WebSafeguards will now complement WebCurfew’s existing WebAccess and WebTimers parental control tools, the intuitive Internet switch that allows parents to turn devices on/off with the touch of a button, and its automation cabability based on time-of-day rules.   


In an age of increasing exposure to the Internet, parents no longer need to fight with their children every time they want them to turn the console game off and come to the dinner table. WebCurfew offers a simple solution that allows parents to take back control with the power of a button in their own home.

WebCurfew’s strategy is to become an established and trusted brand in the home with its parental control solution. But their bigger vision is to become the unified dashboard for managing future home automation systems. WebCurfew is already managing a piece of hardware in the home, the router, and that opens a number of opportunities to become the PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) provider to long tail home automation hardware/sensor providers that will develop in the coming years as the Internet of Things becomes a reality. 

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