ActiveCampaign Unveils $2M Developer Fund to Invest in New App Integrations

The ActiveCampaign platform currently offers over 870 integrations, including integrations with popular services like Facebook, Salesforce, Shopify and more.

Written by Gordon Gottsegen
Published on Jul. 12, 2021
ActiveCampaign Unveils $2M Developer Fund to Invest in New App Integrations
Active campaign office
Photo: ActiveCampaign

Over the years, ActiveCampaign has become one of Chicago’s most valuable tech companies. But now it’s ready to use its position to help invest in the next generation of technology.

On Monday, ActiveCampaign unveiled its $2 million Developer Fund. This fund will allow the company to provide financial support to people developing app integrations for the ActiveCampaign platform.

ActiveCampaign has created a Customer Experience Automation Platform that allows businesses to interact with and engage their customers. This includes things like email marketing campaigns, marketing automation, CRM features and more.

Over 150,000 businesses use the ActiveCampaign platform, and the company says over 70 percent of them use the app integrations on its platform. These integrations include apps like Facebook, Salesforce and Shopify, which allow the platform to connect to these popular services.

Currently, the ActiveCampaign platform has more than 870 integrations, but this new Developer Fund will help build even more. Developers interested in building an app for the ActiveCampaign platform can fill out an application here. If selected, the company will provide upfront funding to the developer, as well as ongoing funding to provide further financial support.

ActiveCampaign hopes that this Developer Fund will allow the company to hit its goal of having over 1,000 integrations on its platform. It also hopes that these extra integrations will help better support ActiveCampaign’s customers.

“Unlike all-in-one platforms that force customers to use their solutions, ActiveCampaign gives our customers incredible flexibility to use the tools that work best for their unique needs,” the company’s CEO and founder Jason VandeBoom said in a statement. “By introducing our Developer Fund, we are continuing to lead with that customer obsession. We’re creating this program so our developer partners feel valued and incentivized to create even more tools, and therefore more flexibility for our customers.”

ActiveCampaign announced its $240 million Series C back in April, which was a major milestone for the company. At the time, VandeBoom told Built In that the company aimed to pass the 1,000-employee mark at some point this year. ActiveCampaign is still aggressively hiring, with dozens of roles currently open.

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