Make every meal count with Restaurant Bucket List

Written by Ben Reid
Published on Nov. 30, 2011
Make every meal count with Restaurant Bucket List




Everyone has a restaurant bucket list.  Including YOU.

For some it's just a vague mental list of restaurants they want to dine at, for others it might be a list in a spreadsheet or on their phone.  But regardless, everyone can think of at least one restaurant they haven't tried but would like to - and that's your restaurant bucket list.


The Restaurant Bucket List Facebook app, which launched live on stage on November 29th at Technori Pitch, simply helps you take that list out of your head, put it in a simple online list, and then - and this is the key - makes it social.


Talking about restaurants is already a very social activity as is.  Have you been to <new restaurant>? and You have to try <favorite restaurant>! are common refrains in daily life.  Restaurant Bucket List simply enhances that conversation through social media by letting you list all of the restaurants on your bucket list AND the places you've already been, and then showing you the overlap for any of your Facebook friends.


Thinking of finally trying Girl & the Goat this weekend?  Check your Restaurant Bucket List and see if any of the eight friends of yours who also have it on their lists want to go with you to check it off together.

Looking for tips on what to order there?  You could consult the cranky strangers on Yelp....or you could check Restaurant Bucket List to see which four friends of yours have already been there and ask them.


Restaurant Bucket List is simple and lighthearted but at the same time gives you real, actionable social information.  And we think this underlies a major trend - that instead of milking cows and taking Hot or Not quizzes, you should be able to do real, adult things on Facebook.  Things like find a job (BranchOut), find cool music (Spotify), and figure out which restaurants you and your friends want to go to (Restaurant Bucket List, duh).


Restaurant Bucket List is proud to be built in Chicago and, Chicago, we need you.  As with any service that benefits from network effects, Restaurant Bucket List is cooler when your friends are already there.  But, we need some people to help kick it off and be among the first to create bucket lists, so that the next people who try the app find friends there, and the people after that find two friends, and so on.  If we can count on anyone to be early adopters, I figure it's the awesome crew of tech supporters and enthusiasts on Built in Chicago.

We hope you'll try the app, make your lists, and let us know what you think.



Ben Reid

Co-Creator, Restaurant Bucket List


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