Learning to Learn: 3 Steps to Learn on Your Own

Written by Scott Mandel
Published on Aug. 29, 2013
Learning to Learn: 3 Steps to Learn on Your Own

Old Dog

Anyone who's ever owned a dog knows that a piece of hotdog > a biscuit. If you're holding a piece of hotdog your dog instantly becomes smarter and more engaged. Why? Because you have the best motivator in the world - a hotdog.

Just like dogs, humans require strong motivation to learn. If you don't have a strong motivation to learn, you will fail. So if you're serious about learning to learn you'll need to find your motivation. Here are 3 easy steps help.

Step 1: Learning Motivators 

What motivates you? Is it Money? Respect? Achievements? In order to be successful at learning anything you'll need to understand what movitvates you. Your motivators will  be different in each situation For example, your motivation to get continuing education credit will be different than the motivation for watching a TED talk video.

There are two basic types of motivators: extrinsic (external) and intrinsic (internal). Common examples below:

Extrinsic (External)

  1. Credential - If you want a high paying job, go to college and get a degree. 
  2. Reward - Get a bonus for being the highest performing employee.
  3. Proof - Participating in contests to win awards.
  4. Competition - Your desire to win and beat others in a contest.

"If you don't have a strong motivation to learn, you will fail."

Intrinsic (Internal)

  1. Personal Improvement - I need to learn this.
  2. Self Challenge - I think I can, I think I can!
  3. Skill Development - I want to be the master of this topic.

Be true to yourself. You need to understand your motivations to be successful. Onto Step 2.

Step 2: Setting Yourself up for Success

Learning is hard! It's going to take a lot of time and effort on your part. Hope you don't have commitment issues, because it's time to commit! "It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.” - Tony Robbins

  • Align Your Goals - Make sure your short term and long term goals are aligned. You're not going to learn Chinese in one year if you can only practice two hours a week. Don't set yourself up for failure by having misaligned goals.
  • Plan for Distractions - Understand you will be distracted, you will hit roadblocks, you will lose motivation. How are you going to deal with these challenges? It's important to have flexibility, but know the difference between flexibility and quitting. 
  • Be Honest - If you can't motivate yourself, no one else can. So be honest with yourself before you start.

"It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.” - Tony Robbins

Step 3: Hold Yourself Accountable 

I'll let you in on a secret,it's easy to quit- make it tougher. 

Here are a 4 ways to hold yourself accountable:

  • Get Social: Tell people your intentions and have them hold you accountable. Try joining a group or ask friends and family for help.
  • Make it Monetary: Give money to someone you trust and make them donate it if you don't meet your goals. You'll get it back if you do.
  • Reward yourself: Want to goto the beach? Not until you've learned your Chinese.
  • Remind yourself: Put a big progress chart next to your desk or on your bathroom mirror. 

This isn't a silver bullet and the only way it works is if you are honest with yourself. If your motivations are money and accolades, focus on it. If your motivations are self improvement and self challenge, own it. 

Own your motivation and you'll find success.

Scott Mandel is the Founder of Snapclass a Chicago startup curating content for business professionals. You can find Scott on Twitter.

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