The New Nerd On The Playground

Written by Nusreth Baig
Published on Apr. 09, 2015
The New Nerd On The Playground

Today, it seems like everyone wants to be the big nerd on the block.  That big nerd is the data scientist.  Never before have math and statistics skills been more valuable on the market.  Data and BI analysts are changing their job titles on LinkedIn to "Data Scientist" to appear more valuable. However, after a quick conversation, you find out that they can barely spell predictive analytics.  Trust me, I've had that conversation with so-called "data scientists."  Traditionally, mathematicians and statisticians (now called data scientist) were usually hired by the finance world.  Traders use predictive analytics to predict the movement of a stock and create a strategy around it.  Now, we use statistics to predict our success in dating, failures in manufacturing, catastrophic failure in heavy machinery, entertainment, and everything else.  You think it was luck that House of Cards is doing so well?  Netflix used predictive analytics to deliver one of the best sitcoms in entertainment. 

A data scientist has become part of the business package.  You need a data scientist to predict things.  This principle applies to almost every and old.

So, where are valuable data scientists and data engineers (they’re needed too)? THEY’RE ALL HIRED by some of the best companies in Silicon Valley, Silicon Prairie, Wall Street, and everything in between! In fact, there is a major shortage for these professionals. Now the question is: how do we meet this endless demand? 

Introducing: Big Shoulders Data Camp

We are not a total immersive school like some of the other boot camps in the city, nor are we like data science boot camps on the east and west coast that are 12 to 16 weeks long and cost $10k to $16k.  What sets us apart is that we provide weekend seminars for IT professionals to get training on a particular subject in the field of data science.  We provide “Data Engineering Level 1” classes where students learn to work with big data platforms.  “Predictive Modeling using R Level 1” is a class where students will learn to create predictive models and algorithms.  If students want to further their education through self-study or by enrolling in a Master’s degree program, great!  However, those programs are not practical nor cost effective for most people. That is where Big Shoulders Data Camp comes in! Our mission is not to force students into demanding full-time programs where they have to take a sabbatical from their work to learn data science. Instead, our mission is accessibility and practicality. We aim to provide practical hands-on education to professionals for immediate application and enrichment in their workplace.

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