Chicago, the "city of open data," can become the "city of good design"

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Published on Mar. 12, 2014
Chicago, the "city of open data," can become the "city of good design"

The ancient procurement process in the City of Chicago has most often resulted in poor quality, very expensive, technology projects—in particular, websites. Case-in-point is

The proposal below, which has been shared with the city, suggests a new approach to IT procurement that emphasizes the economic development benefits of good design.

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A modern urban economy that creates twenty-first century jobs requires a strong technology sector. In order to attract top talent, Chicago city government should live and breathe good design and technology.

When Seattle wished to increase the number of LEED-certified buildings, it set an example by making its own new buildings LEED-certified. Chicago, which led in open data, can now set an example in good design for government, starting with

We propose a “design invitational” in which top designers explore ways to improve one or more functions of the city’s main website.

How it would work

  1. Assemble a panel of experts from around the country who have designed effective websites for large audiences.
  2. Invite any firms from around the world who are interested in showing how design can help a city improve communication with—and services for—its residents.
  3. Select four firms (chosen by the panel of design experts) to develop and prototype ideas for improving the city’s website. Pay each firm $50,000 from city funds.
  4. Share the ideas with other cities, the public, the media, and the international design community.
  5. Engage one or more of the firms, if desired, in a redesign of the city’s main website.

Long term benefits

If successful, an expert screening panel could become part of a leaner procurement process for projects in which good design and technology are essential. A similar model is working well in the UK for many projects of this type.


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