Destra launches as the first social enterprise magazine in Chicago

Written by Joe Garbarczyk
Published on Sep. 16, 2013
Destra launches as the first social enterprise magazine in Chicago

Destra Magazine launches with first issue, iOS app coming soon

New magazine highlights the feel-good news happening in this world, donates half of its proceeds to charitable works

Today marks the official launch of Destra Magazine, a bi-weekly, digital-only publication created to tell positive stories centered around good deeds and good people. Whether it be random acts of kindness or individuals and organizations committed to making lifelong change, Destra will showcase their stories and give them the credit they deserve.

“Destra Magazine came to life because I knew that I wanted to create something that matters,” said Joe Garbarczyk, founder and editor-in-chief. “I didn’t want to create something that people could easily forget. I wanted to create something that is bigger than a magazine. Something that people could feel good about.”

In addition to showing readers that positive things are still at work in the world, Destra is also dedicated to giving up to 50 percent of its profits to organizations that help others. In fact, the announcement of the magazine’s launch also comes with the news of Destra Magazine’s first charity partner, Watsi, a nonprofit organization that uses crowd funding to facilitate medical care in developing countries. 100% of Destra's donations will go directly towards funding low-cost, high-impact medical care for Watsi patients.

“I admire what Watsi is able to accomplish in terms of helping individuals and also by being very transparent,” Garbarczyk explained. “People can feel good about subscribing because they are not only getting amazing stories, but also because their subscription is going towards improving the lives of others.”

To subscribe to Destra Magazine for $2.99 per month or $30 per year, Learn more at Destra will be available on the Apple App Store very soon.

About Destra Magazine:

Destra Magazine is a Chicago-based publication with a social mission of telling positive stories of good deeds and good people.  

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For more information, contact Joe Garbarczyk at (312) 718-2158 or at [email protected].


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