Fridays are for FinTech

Written by Jason Henrichs
Published on Mar. 14, 2016
Fridays are for FinTech

Friday was a big day for Chicago FinTech. 

Four Chicago based FinTech startups presented to a packed house at SXSW. The panel was hosted by FinTEx, the non-profit growing the FinTech ecosystem in Chicago. Akouba Credit CEO Chris Rentner, Argon Credit CEO Raviv Wolfe, Narrative Science Chief Scientist Kris Hammond and Pangea Payments VP of Global Partnerships Josh Gordon-Blake spoke on innovation in Infrastructure and Analytics reshaping the global financial service marketplace. 
I was pleased to cap off the conversation with the announcement the partnership between FinTEx and FinTech Sandbox, a Boston based nonprofit that helps fintech startups access data and build great products. 
FinTech Sandbox’s six-month program provides startups with the following:
  • A robust set of data feeds and APIs from a wide array of data partners
  • Cloud hosting from industry-leading infrastructure partners
  • Membership in a vibrant, global FinTech community
FinTEx-affiliated startups will receive preferred consideration when applying to the Sandbox program.
You can read the entire press release here
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