How to Land a Job You Love after Graduation

Written by Ann Javier
Published on Mar. 17, 2015
How to Land a Job You Love after Graduation

College graduation is a few months away. While four years ago you were just moving into your dorm and getting to know your roommates, you’ve quickly become a college senior dealing with plans for this “real world” that everyone is talking about. With this comes the question you will inevitably be asked countless times – what are you going to do after you graduate?

Up until now, you’ve put in hours at the library, studying (or procrastinating on Netflix). You’re a member of multiple organizations on campus, and perhaps you’ve even got a couple of internships under your belt. Yet, you know it’s not enough. You search for jobs online and let out a sigh of disappointment when you click on the link to the description of your dream entry-level job only to see that your credentials don’t match up to the experience required. What in the world is SEO? Or HTML & CSS? It now starts to feel that your class lectures just weren’t enough and your office assistant position is worthless on your resume.


But, don’t fret – there’s no need for a quarter life crisis. Startup Institute will rid your fears of unemployment after graduation. As a career accelerator, Startup Institute offers an 8-week full-time program with the choice of four different tracks (no silly gen eds here) – Web Design, Web Development, Technical Marketing, and Sales & Account Management. The classes are taught by Startup Institute’s hiring partners and Chicago tech’s industry leaders, designed to fully engage students with the skills, mindset, and network needed to get a job and thrive at a startup. Students are challenged with client projects,  getting relevant, hands-on experience that lecture halls don’t offer.


Don’t think of Startup Institute as just more schooling. Our students bond with their cohort, inside and outside of class. They go through the learning and job search processes together, but also hang out at happy hours. They network with the tech community, sit in on fireside chats with startup founders and CEOs, check out hackathons, and more. At the end of the program, students have the opportunity to pitch themselves to high-growth companies looking to grow their teams at our signature Talent Expo.


With locations in New York, Chicago, Boston, London, and Berlin, students have access to thriving startup scenes. They also have the support of instructors and staff to help reach their career goals. As a recent college graduate, Startup Institute is no doubt the place to be.

Our first-round application deadline is April 1. Apply now to start a conversation about how we can help you to start your career in Chicago’s startup scene. With Startup Institute, you’ll walk off the stage at graduation knowing that you’ll have all the skills you need to land your dream job.

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