Howard Tullman: You're Not Ready to be a Founder

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Published on Mar. 14, 2014
Howard Tullman: You're Not Ready to be a Founder

In a recent conversation with Howard Tullman on the pros and cons of being a founder versus a startup employee, we uncovered some tips for future startupers. He shared his wisdom with in a recent post entitled: “Be a role player or roll your own?


So, what advice would the CEO of Chicago startup hub, 1871, give when asked: “What comes first: try your hand at being a founder, or learn the ropes as a startup employee?” Here are his three cents:

1. Create a plan:  Goals are great, but they’re meaningless without an action plan to achieve them. Don’t let your passion blind you into using hope as your guide. Howard says,  “A goal without a concrete plan to get there is just a daydream or a delusion.”

2. Play a role as an employee first: Developing a concrete skillset and understanding the ropes of life at a startup is the best first step towards success. This will allow you to build your future plans from a position of experience and knowledge (all the while taking on much less risk). Prioritize learning first.

3. Work for someone with experience: Experience can be measured in many ways, but in startups, being T-shaped is important. You can think of the top of the T as your breadth of experiences and the length as your area of expertise. Find someone who is T-shaped to guide you on your entrepreneurial journey. Their range of experience will stretch your learning curve.

What do you think of Howard’s advice? Join the conversation and register for our panel discussion happening on March 31st at 1871.

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