Need to Know Right Now: Chicago's Tech Ecosystem - April 2015

Written by Kailey Raymond
Published on Apr. 29, 2015
Need to Know Right Now: Chicago's Tech Ecosystem - April 2015

Chicago’s tech ecosystem is relatively small and tight-knit; it can feel difficult to find a way on the inside. An East Coast transplant myself, I know the overwhelming feeling of starting from scratch. I also help guide career-changers and recent grads into new jobs in the Chicago tech community everyday at my role at Startup Institute, so I know the frustration of not knowing what you don’t know.


I’ve learned that being a part of this proud community means being able to talk about some of the recent trends. So if you want to learn more about the Chicago ecosystem, or you’re already in it, here’s a nifty introduction that aggregates key stats relating to the massive growth this community has seen recently.

Talent Pool:



High Growth and Open Roles:


Funding Trends:


With both public and private support, Chicago’s tech community has seen explosive growth over the past few years, with all signs pointing towards future growth.


The major takeaway is that with investment, comes job opportunities. If you’re looking to get involved with tech in Chicago, now might be the perfect time.

If you have other posts related to the topic, please comment below! We’d love to continue the conversation.

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