Startup Institute Launches Part-Time Classes: RampUp in Ruby, Web Design or Technical Marketing

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Published on Jul. 20, 2014
Startup Institute Launches Part-Time Classes: RampUp in Ruby, Web Design or Technical Marketing

Want to switch careers? Improve in your current role? Get a promotion? Start with RampUp!


Today, it seems that every employer--regardless of industry--values technical skills in all forms. At the same time, learning these skills outside of the classroom can be a struggle. Startup Institute has created a program that exposes industry veterans and beginners alike to the most cutting-edge topics.

RampUp is a 2-month, part-time program that teaches introductory skills in three areas that are driving success in the tech and startup sectors. Classes simply meet once a week, in the evenings, giving students the flexibility to work on class projects on their own schedule. Class curriculum has been careful structured by leading professionals in Technical Marketing, Ruby and Web Design. One of our curriculum architects and instructors, Tom Benneche, reflected on the new Intro to Web Design curriculum:

Because of the new project structure, students will leave with a personal site which they designed, built, and deployed live. Perhaps more importantly, by joining RampUp, students gain access to the vast Startup Institute network and become a part of this growing community.”


Taught by instructors who are working professionals in their field, you’ll get the skills and insight to apply your learnings directly in your job or future position. Instructors are knowledgeable, driven individuals who want to make an impact on their surrounding communities by paying it forward. Not only are our instructors talented in their subject areas, but they are also passionate about their hobbies and are life-long learners. We have a programmer who plays bluegrass mandolin, a marketer who happens to be an excellent vegetable pickler, and a designer who is formidable on the kickball field.

All US cohorts (Chicago, Boston, New York City) will launch on the last Thursday of each month. The next cohorts are Thursday, July 31st and Thursday, August 24th. The first London cohorts launch on Tuesday, July 29th.

We hope to have you join our community! If you have specific questions or concerns, please e-mail [email protected] (for all US cities) or [email protected] (for London).

There are still a few spots left in our July classes! Register here today to secure your seat.

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