11 Do’s & Don’ts For Sales Teams From The Guy Being Sold To

Written by Brian Lastovich
Published on Sep. 09, 2013
11 Do’s & Don’ts For Sales Teams From The Guy Being Sold To

As an SaaS online marketer for the past 5 years, I am convinced that the success of a marketing and sales team is directly proportional to the relationship between the two. The closer they work together, the more successful both become. Because I like to practice what I preach, throughout the years I have observed my fair share of sales tactics, emails and phone calls. I’ve seen some work really well and others flop completely. I think it’s time to give back and tell you what works and what doesn’t so you can become a powerful sales machine.

1. Do get to know your marketing materials

If I made it to a phone conversation with you, most likely I have seen your website, read reviews, your ebooks, webinars and blog. Now I’m at the point where I want to ask questions about everything that I’ve read to learn more. As a salesperson, if you haven’t even read the marketing material, it won’t make for a great conversation. And it’ll be easy for me to realize if you haven’t read it either. If you’re looking for a company that does this well, look no further than Hubspot. They are always referring me to content after emails and phone calls.

2. Do send a Google calendar invite when scheduling appointments, meetings or phone calls

If you think I’ll remember a meeting a week from now, think again. Send me a calendar invite. I’m not going to create it myself. Even if you know they don’t use a calendar, send it anyway. It’ll show that you’re organized and taking the call seriously.

3. Do talk to the support team about the most asked questions

This seems like a no-brainer but you’d be surprised at how many sales people forget about this. A salesperson that understands their product like the back of their hand, is a successful salesman. This is why support reps that move to sales have no trouble with the transition. Save a prospect some time and inform them of answers to their future questions.

4. Do arrive early in the morning

Especially, if you’re selling to the C-level. You’re most productive in the morning. I’m the most attentive in the morning. Schedule more meetings in the morning. There’s a reason Benjamin Franklin said “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

5. Do listen on our first phone call

Your goal should be to understand my problem so well that it’s now your problem too. Use the 80/20 rule and let the prospect talk 80% of the call. I’ve participated in way too many conversations when the first phone call is just a pitch of the company. Unless the sales cycle is a day, don’t plan to sell me your product on the first phone call into your business. Once I start asking questions about the product, you can respond but until then you’re my psychologist.

6. Do connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter after our phone call

I find this to be a great way to really get to know you and build trust. If I’m going to be doing business with you, I want to know a little bit more about you. In return, I feel appreciative that you want to take the time to get to know me as well. But don’t take advantage of my connections!

7. Don’t friend me on Facebook

This is creepy and crosses the line. Facebook is still personal and only reserved for close friends. As I said before, Twitter and LinkedIn is okay, Facebook is not.

8. Do Google your prospects and find out as much as you can

If you search my name you’ll be able to find my LinkedIn profile, Twitter profile, Google + profile, Quora posts, and even my wedding pictures! Is that enough information to start a subtle conversation? Just don’t start the conversation saying “So I Googled you yesterday..”

9. Do send over relevant, interesting articles and reports

You use a sales tracking tool and I’m in your sales pipeline yet I haven’t moved one way or another, I get it. You want to restart the conversation and you’re hoping sending over content will get me thinking about your product again. This works only if the content is relevant and interesting to me. If I was interested in service ABC, and you send over a case study of one of my competitors using service ABC, I’ll click for sure. However, don’t send me one of your news articles that got picked up by TechCrunch. Good for you though.

10. Do go on walks

The most successful sales reps I know take a 10-minute walk around the block to re-energize themselves a few times a day. Sometimes you just need time away from your desk.

11. Don’t forget to check how your emails look when sending through 3rd party services to Gmail accounts

In an effort to increase transparency, Gmail now gives the recipient more information about the origin of the email received. What once was hidden in the header of email messages now is visible to Gmail users. This means if you send an email from Salesforce to a Gmail user, that Gmail user will see the hidden BCC email address Salesforce includes in their email. Now, I’m forced to think of myself as one of your prospects. The conversation changes from a 1 to 1 conversation to a 1-to-many conversation.

Originally posted on blog.getbase.com

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