2013 The Consumer-Centric Year!

Written by Shawn Gannon
Published on Dec. 13, 2013
2013 The Consumer-Centric Year!



2013 seems a blur, doesn’t it? This year proved to be a measured improvement in how companies are presenting their wares relevantly to consumers.  More thoughtful, innovative offerings continue to prevail in the marketplace.  Consumer-centric companies have been paying attention and have better opportunities than ever before to follow consumers’ end-to-end journey.


Companies today have fortified themselves with terabytes of data to help predict a consumer’s demand, and the consumer-experience leaders are challenging themselves to grow consumer bases in innovative ways.  Untouchables like Apple, Lexis and Amazon continue to be leaders with one mouse click and one tap of a tablet screen in their quest to enhance the customer experience to meet consumer relevancy.  But this informational highway goes both ways.  Now armed with more transparent information than ever before, consumers are trekking wisely online and into retailers righteously seeking lower prices and better products.  We are all data scientists now.


As I look through the digital lens, I feel confidant that the landscape will quicken in the upcoming year.  But how can such a velocity be sustained?  Don’t assume demand will unwittingly drive progress.  It’s a nice thought but too easy.  Take it from someone who’s been in the business for quite a few years, 2014 is going to take serious work to keep engagement high with meaningful consumer offerings.  I predict 2014 to be crowded with optimization and automation in all forms.  Keep watching the trends and plan, because you know what happens when we assume. Don’t make me say it.


Have a look at Trends: 22 Digital Marketing techniques that demand attention in 2014 by Dave Chaffey.

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