3 Reasons Why Your Website Needs More Video.

Written by Tyler Mose
Published on Jul. 22, 2013
3 Reasons Why Your Website Needs More Video.

Your website visitors won’t wait—they’ll take a micro-second to decide to stay or leave your website, even after all the money and hard work you just spent getting them there. One of the best ways to keep them there is by adding online video to your homepage. Adding an online web video will increase time spent on site, decrease bounce rates, and drive more page views—three key ranking metrics to getting better search engine results.

Studies indicate conversion rates range from 6 to 52 percent, depending on the type of sale and part of the sales cycle (ecommerce, lead conversion, lead nurturing, deeper into the funnel). 

Online video also:

Elicits action, thus has a strong impact in generating qualified leads.
Builds trust and confidence during your pre-sales process and sales process
Plays an important role throughout the purchase funnel—from initial interest to consideration through to final purchase

However, if you’re not yet convinced that an investment in online video will support your revenue targets and marketing goals, here are three reasons that may start changing your mind.

1. Your Customers Love It

Simply put, your customers love online video production because it helps them get educated on your product and service offerings and is easier to consume than text—so give your customers what they want! If presented with web video vs. text, wouldn’t you rather watch a business to business video that gives you the information you need, or would you rather be forced to read and figure things out for yourself? Today’s savvy consumers want, and expect, highly engaging and meaningful interactions with companies, products, and services. Not only do website promo videos give more information to prospective customers, but marketing communications with online videos are much more entertaining and engaging. 

2. It’s Worth the Cost

Evergreen video marketing content can be amortized over four years. From a return on marketing investment perspective, there is nothing better than online video. Most of the business online videos are focused on telling stories about a businesses products, services, people, and processes that will be relevant for many years. Video testimonials and business to business video case studies can be even longer, as these are real life examples and testimonies of a company’s accomplishments that will never go away. Take your initial investment and divide it by four years—this significantly brings down the investment and increase the return on investment of online video.

3. It Creates Content

The value of your video can repurposed across almost every aspect of your marketing and sales cycle. You can:

Post your video to all your social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube. 

Increase clickthrough rates on your emails by adding it to your email marketing campaigns. 
Drive website metrics with adding a video to every page of your website. Each video is an opportunity to write a separate blog post. 

Increase engagement in traditional offline advertisements by including video (via QR code) to your offline advertising.

Give links to your sales team so they are sending engaging video in their day-to-day sales communications to new prospects and potential customers instead of those pieces of paper they send out now. 

You’ve spent the time getting professional online video production content now is the time to watch it grow in value as it is watched, shared, and commented. Your web video production services company should be able to give you some other ideas on how to get the most out of any web promotional video investment.

Hands down, video can work for you to grow your business because video is the best way to captivate, engage, and persuade customers, thus increasing lead conversions of casual browsers into paying customers.

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