Tech up your commute with these 5 Chicago podcasts

Written by Andreas Rekdal
Published on May. 20, 2016
Tech up your commute with these 5 Chicago podcasts

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past two years, we don't need to tell you that podcasts are all the rage these days. But what you may not know is that Chicago tech has steadily built up a solid podcast portfolio of its own, with three great new arrivals in this year alone. So techies, if you're looking to supplement your current podcast diet or replace some old shows, you might want to check out one of these.

Tech In Chicago

Where to get it: iTunesStitcherTuneInWebBuilt In Chicago

In this longform interview podcast, entrepreneur Colin Keeley travels to the offices of Chicago founders and VCs to talk about their stories, Chicago as a tech ecosystem and everything in between. Guests to date include

’s Aaron Dallek, Simple Mills founder Katlin Smith and Gale Bowman of Irish Angels. The podcast launched in February, and comes out roughly once a week.

Elevate Purpose: Conversations for Social Impact

Where to get it: iTunes

Hosted by

’s Michael Slaby, Elevate Purpose is a podcast about the work people are doing to solve the world’s greatest challenges. Launched in mid May, new episodes from the former Obama for America CTO will be published every other Tuesday.


Where to get it: iTunes

The product of a merger between WGN Radio’s “Tomorrow’s Business Today” and

, this interview podcast’s guest list includes CEO Howard Tullman and
We're in a great, convenient River North location that's close to brown and blue line CTA stops.
CEO Emerson Spartz.

The Entrepreneurial Report

Where to get it: iTunesWebBuilt In Chicago

Recorded by Daniel Miklosz in the University of Illinois at Chicago’s studios, the entrepreneurial report features conversations with entrepreneurs, investors and other figures in the Chicago startup scene. Launched in March of this year, the podcast is mostly on a weekly publishing schedule with some bonus episodes thrown in here and there.

Chicago Inno Show

Where to get it: SoundCloud

Around since late last year, Chicago Inno’s podcast features local entrepreneurs and explores the news affecting Chicago’s tech ecosystem. Prominent guests include former Oculus Lead Scientist Steve LaValle and Nicole Yeary of

Image via Shutterstock.

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