Chicago's Creative and Motivated Meetup Group: A Manifesto

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Published on Aug. 26, 2014
Chicago's Creative and Motivated Meetup Group: A Manifesto

“There is only one way to learn. It's through doing.” - Paulo Coelho

[ibimage==39792==Medium==none==self==ibimage_align-right]Give us your tired, your bored, your masses of blocked potential huddled in cubicles and study carrels. Bring us your insight, your humor, your empathy, and your finest $100 ideas, and we can make a more vivid and vibrant neighborhood. Let's rethink “making a living.” We think you might want to get out more.

Chicago's Creative and Motivated Meetup Group
exists to help its members set and hit personal and professional goals through creative collaboration, positive psychology, and business coaching. Students, professionals, and seekers discuss, practice, present ideas, and bounce off each other for momentum.

Born of the mind of Victoria Nikitina Chala, an organizer with a degree in psychology and business management, the group takes part in informal workshops, presentations, speaker events, brainstorming sessions... but it's a bit more open-ended than you might assume if you've attended too many by-the-numbers networking events.

[ibimage==39794==Small==none==self==ibimage_align-left]We also hit up theatrical productions, do volunteer work, and hike. Recently, we attended the Magritte exhibition at the Art Institute, exchanging wisecracks, observations, and knowledge from different backgrounds to help each other think differently about a train flying out of a fireplace.

“If we just eat, procreate, and die,” says cofounder Se Oh, “we are not much more than animals.” In one of the most fortunate nations on earth, how can we better use our advantages and resources to bridge the gaps in our databases? And why not have fun doing it?

That may be us at your documentary screening, furtively whispering about Jung, bauhaus architecture, community gardens, and parking meters.

[ibimage==39793==Medium==none==self==ibimage_align-right]Co-founder Fabiola Zanini emphasizes that collaboration means trust, feedback, and guidance. All this calls for emotional intelligence, a willingness to “be a team thinker,” and the ability to see the lifetime discipline within a project. Learn to listen better. Different perspectives promote reflection, which can nurture a cute little idea into the big, wise elephant it wants to be.

CCMMG is a haven for generous generalists and a think tank that turns ideas into talent.

This was written as a collaboration between Victoria Nikitina Chala, Emerson Dameron, Se Oh, and Fabiola Zanini