Cool New Start Up CouponMob Hits the One Year Mark!

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Published on Sep. 08, 2011
Cool New Start Up CouponMob Hits the One Year Mark!

Time flies when you're launching a comprehensive coupon portal.  Owned by Flypaper Media Holdings, LLC, CouponMob started in October 2010 with group deals.  Almost one year later, the savings opportunities extend well beyond the group deal space and include online shopping coupons, Today Only product sales and grocery coupons. 


But don't think this Mob is just sitting around slicing up the birthday cake.  We always like to stay one step ahead.  What's next?  A comprehensive rewards program and Key Merchant Programs in local markets. 


Sign up today at and take advantage of our new member promotion: $10 FREE deposited into your account.  Sure, you can keep your friends close, but CouponMob makes it easier than ever to keep your coupons closer! 

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