Hot startups across Chicago, Part 1: Logan Square's Mattebox

Written by Carlin Sack
Published on Dec. 19, 2013
Hot startups across Chicago, Part 1: Logan Square's Mattebox

Over the next month, Built In Chicago will be featuring some “hot” startups across the various neighborhoods that, although may feel like different worlds at times, make up Chicago’s budding digital ecosystem. To recommend a startup or neighborhood of Chicago that deserves some love, email [email protected].


Although a photography background isn’t necessarily typical for a digital entrprenuer, Ben Syverson’s path to becoming a digital entrepreneurship was quite common: he was looking to solve his own problem.

“I wrote Mattebox because I wanted a camera app that was actually made for photography,” Syverson said. “So many photo apps are either too simplified or overly complicated. I know that photographers highly value ergonomics and speed of operation, so my mantra became ‘More Control with Fewer Controls.’”

He created the Mattebox app along with, making the first complete filter sharing ecosystem. Through desktop or phone web browsers, users can take photos, filter and share them with friends who can open it through the app or the site and filter it immediately. Built In Chicago caught up with Syverson to hear more about Mattebox and the Logan Square startup community from which it sprouted:

The numbers: 1-person team. Bootstrapped. $5 app price. 30,000 users. “It’s cool to imagine a baseball stadium full of Matteboxusers,” Svyerson said.

Best part of the journey: “It has been incredibly gratifying to see the gorgeous photos and filters photographers have created with Mattebox; that’s the real reward.”

What else is going on with Logan Square entrepreneurs in 2014: In addition to Mattebox, Syverson said he is also excited to turn more attention to his analog film camera company Wanderlust Cameras in the new year. “Wanderlust recently used Kickstarter to fund the creation of an analog film camera, which is nearly finished. I’m dying to get these cameras out there and see what people make with them.” He also photographs and designs for Up In The Air Somewhere, his wife’s site that sells ceramics and housewares; the couple will be busy redesigning and relaunching the site in 2014. 

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