Identify Top Performing Salespeople with Expert Advice

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Published on Jun. 19, 2014
Identify Top Performing Salespeople with Expert Advice

30% of new hires made this year will be for sales positions.

Do you ever wonder if you are hiring the bestHiring-Salespeople-blog-imageperson for your sales job? Wouldn't it be nice to know how the experts have built their sales teams? 

Hireology is hosting an upcoming webinar, Hiring Salespeople: Identifying Top Performers that will feature an all-star panel of sales hiring experts sharing their tricks of the trade. 

Expertly moderated by Hireology's Chief Hireologist, Adam Robinson, the panelists will be asked to disclose the secrets that lead them to success inside sales selection.

“30% of hires this year will be for a sales position, yet managers still have no idea how to identify a top performer,” said webinar moderator and HireologyCEO, Adam Robinson. “These panel experts will address all spectrum of selecting the right salesperson during the webinar.”

Joining the webinar will be:

Dr. Chris Croner

Croner_Photo_2A principal with SalesDrive, LLC, a firm that specializes in the selection and deployment of high performing salespeople. Dr. Croner is co-author of the book, Never Hire a Bad Salesperson Again, detailing his research and practice in identifying the non- teachable personality traits common to top producers. 

Dr. Croner developed the proprietary DriveTest diagnostics system, including the Drive Interview for salesperson selection. Using this system, he has helped over 350 companies worldwide to hire and develop top- performing salespeople. 


Katie Hawking

Katie-Hawking-Edited-Headshot-1Katie Hawking is a Managing Partner at Bottomline Recruiting. Katie brings 10 years of recruiting experience to BottomLine. Katie started her recruiting career in Washington DC working on high level government technology searches for the CIA. After a few years, Katie moved back to Chicago and started recruiting sales professionals at a small firm where she quickly mastered the trade. Katie was the organization’s highest producer managing a full desk developing clients and placing top sales reps.

In 2011, Katie set off to start what would be one of Chicago’s premiere sales recruiting firms. 

Jeff Ellman

jeff-ellman-high-resSince 1999, the companies that Jeff Ellman co-founded have assisted over 1,500 professionals in finding employment. 

The businesses he co-founded include Humatal-a recruiting and consulting firm, Homescout-a residential real estate company, Hireology-a technology platform that helps companies make better hiring decisions, and most recently, Urbanbound-a web-based application built to simplify one of life's biggest transitions, moving to a new city.


Learn how the panelists source the best candidates, prepare interview guides, verify past performance and more. Register for the webinar below!

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