Stop Looking For Housekeepers on Craigslist

Written by Alexxandra Miles
Published on Feb. 19, 2013
Stop Looking For Housekeepers on Craigslist

We all have housekeeper disaster stories and that's why were thrilled about LoClean launching in Chicago! If you're sick of cleaning, or jumping through hoops to get someone to clean your home, you'll love LoClean, too! Here's why I will never use anything else to find a housekeeper again: 


Part of having a party is having to deal with the mess the next day, but the mess after the St. Patrick’s Day party my roommates and I threw in 2012 was a mess I’d never seen before. We woke up to green beer everywhere, pancakes on the ceiling, jello shots on door knobs, massive hangovers, and somehow needed to get the energy to prepare for midterms the following day.

We’d never gotten a cleaning lady before, but we found our apartment, couch, and sub-leaser on Craigslist so we figured it would be a good place to start. After hours of contacting people, only to find that they were unavailable or charged more than the contents of our piggy bank labeled “Alcohol Money,”  we were hopeless and hungry. So, we ordered pizza and discussed our next option.

We had no options, and we were beginning to smell the St. Patrick’s Day leftovers seeping into our rooms, so we went back to Craigslist and finally found someone: Judy. She sounded cool, could come by 3pm, and said she'd charged us a flat rate of $60. Done.

Judy came late at 4pm (no biggie, we were still grateful) with 1 bucket and 1 rag (no biggie, but good luck?) She was a little shocked by the mess, but agreed to clean.

My roommates and I vegged in the basement while she cleaned the upstairs. Then... we smelt something. We didn’t know if our house was burning down or Judy decided to light the garbage on fire, but something was up. We nominated the most paranoid roommate to go upstairs and check on the situation. Our house was still standing, with Judy in our living room... one hand on cigarette, one hand on mop.

“I am doing a thorough job!” says Judy. 




It was almost the next day by the time Judy finished. Aside from the fact that she left with all of our cleaning supplies and our house smelling like a mixture of cigarettes and clorox, we were happy to be able to see our floors again. To be nice, thank her for her "hard work" and boost her self-esteem, we exchanged phone numbers (as if we would ever hire a “housekeeper” like her again).

It's been a year and Judy has not stopped calling us. Every day. Multiple times a day. When we don't answer (which we never do) she leaves my roommates voicemails. One time she called her white trash (which we probably/definitely deserved given our post-patty's day situation..) It's been a great ongoing joke, and we always laugh when Judy pops up on caller ID, but it's something we never want to experience again.

Consequently, we've spent the last year or so cleaning our own house (ew), until 2 weeks ago when we were introduced to LoClean. It’s everything we’ve ever wanted. We put in a request and within 24 hours our house was clean, smelling better than ever, and we were even left with a candle and Cake Pops to thank US for using the service. So awesome. For anyone who likes a clean house but doesn’t like cleaning, I highly suggest checking out LoClean ( 

Stay in touch with them via Facebook here.

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