What does photographing a leopard have to do with Event Communication?

Written by Deepa Salem
Published on May. 11, 2015
What does photographing a leopard have to do with Event Communication?

Let’s say you are on a African safari and see a leopard chasing a deer. To (photo) shoot this fast-moving leopard, you need to increase the shutter speed. If not, as the leopard speeds up, the photo gets blurrier. (see background picture) However, even in the priciest cameras, the shutter speed can be only increased to some extent. Beyond that, blur is inevitable and your leopard looks like a badly smudged drawing of a toddler ☺


Now, think of your email inbox and social media feed. The speed in which emails and posts arrive is exponentially increasing And the shutter speed, which is your available time/attention span, can only be increased to some extent (unless you want to give up entirely on your beauty sleep!)

The increasingly fast-moving information feed is getting blurred. Your users have extended themselves to their maximum shutter speed. Can they read and retain your fantastic emails or posts always?


Events, last-minute reminders and time-based deals are getting lost in this avalanche. Unlike cat videos or silly polls, these have a short shelf-life.

Save them from getting lost.

Ensure they get read, retained, remembered.

WotNow — the social local calendar app is the simplest yet most effective way to put events right in your audience’s calendar. See how http://youtu.be/b4Ezivgg7j0


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