3 Steps to Boosting Your Startup Career

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Published on May. 29, 2014
3 Steps to Boosting Your Startup Career

Sometimes you get in a funk. Whether it’s your second month on the job or second year, it’s likely that at some point or another (maybe even right now) you’ve felt stuck. Startups move fast and sometimes it’s hard to keep up, whether you’ll admit it or not. You want to contribute to a project, but lack the hard skills to make a significant dent. Or maybe you’re working with the development team, but having trouble communicating because you just don’t speak the lingo. At Startup Institute we're always looking for good ways to learn new skills. Here's 3 steps you can take to always be learning:



Step 1: Realize You Need a Boost

If you’re still reading then you’ve already realized that you could somehow use a boost. It might be as simple as finally jumping on board the Twitter bandwagon (really, you didn’t take that leap yet?) or as complex as learning to code. Think about how your company, and specifically your department or team, works. What can you do to make an impact? Will joining Twitter to help boost your company’s online reputation help the marketing team drive brand awareness? Will learning to code help you communicate the new sales strategy more effectively to the dev team? Pinpoint an area that will immediately increase your efficiency at work. You’ll be helping yourself, helping your company, and helping your manager see how driven you are.

Step 2: Find the Boost That’s Right for You
After you pinpoint the area that needs boosting, you’ve got to find the boost that works for you. There’s no wrong way to better your career, but there’s a million right ways to do it. For minor boosts, think of minor solutions. Back to the Twitter example: you’re new to Twitter and don’t know how to use it. Tell the marketing team your plan to help out, and see if they can provide any resources. There’s an endless supply of information online that can help you get started or up your Twitter game. It’s not just digital content that can up your game, though. Good ol’ fashion books are always a great resource for new knowledge.

If you’re looking at a major boost like learning to code, you’ll have to find a major solution. Use comparison sites like Course Report to find a bootcamp that fits your schedule and price range. Allclasses has a comprehensive list of online and in person classes for just about every topic you can think of, not just coding.

Step 3: Commit

Always remember that you can’t boost your career overnight. It will take a commitment to bettering yourself in the long-term. For some this means simply subscribing to a weekly social media newsletter. For others this means signing up for a class that meets in-person, so that you're accountable for showing up and making real progress each week. Whatever you do, make a commitment and find a way to A-B-L, Always Be Learning.


Startup Institute is still accepting applications for their Summer cohort, beginning June 23rd. If you don’t work for a startup yet, but want to, Startup Institute might be right for you. Choose one of four tracks: Sales & Account Management, Product & Design, Web Development, or Technical Marketing. Classes are taught by current startup employees from large brands like Uber to small teams like Giveforward. Deep dive into the soft and hard skills proven to drive results within startups, and find your dream startup job!

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