Recpass - Bridging the Gap at Career Fairs

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Published on Jun. 06, 2014
Recpass - Bridging the Gap at Career Fairs


By now, we’re all pretty familiar with the standard candidate-employer interaction at recruiting events. John Doe works diligently prior to the fair to fashion a standout, tip-top shape resume of which he will hike across campus to print a stack of copies in preparation. John will then practice his 30-second elevator speech, struggling to figure out exactly what gives him a leg-up on the thousand other talented candidates prepping in the exact same manner for the exact same event.  As he works out all the kinks, John is daunted by his experience the year prior; a crowded venue, extremely long lines, and disengaged recruiters all have him wondering if this year’s experience will be the same as last. You’re probably thinking “Why wouldn’t he be jumping at the opportunity to speak with target employers at a recruiting event on campus? This is his best shot for employment!” Well, not so fast. Today, in a time where millennials are focused on finding the perfect fit, students are all but excited. The conversation and experience at a fair matter more than what’s in the job description. After all, this is their best chance to gauge the company culture at first glance. 

Meanwhile, as John is struggling with his preparation in his dorm room on campus, back at HQ, Talent Acquisition Manager Jane Smith is also concerned with finding the right talent and measuring event ROI. From repetitive conversations with non-qualified candidates to the administrative duties of manual candidate data entry into an ATS, Jane wishes she had a way to find top talent without the laborious tasks and responsibilities associated with on-campus recruiting. Collecting and sorting through resumes, scribbling notes to track each conversation, and sharing candidate information and data with other recruiters, hiring managers, and decision makers back at HQ is a long, expensive, time & resource-consuming process. And this is only the first week of a three-month-long fall recruiting stint for Jane. Is it Thanksgiving Break yet?

There’s an obvious problem surrounding the traditional, transactional model of recruiting. But what if there was a way to create a more modern, engaging experience to motivate students to attend campus career fairs? What if one could reduce that transactional nature of recruiting events by promoting more meaningful conversations between a recruiter and a candidate? What if John and Jane’s woes were solved and both looked forward to meeting the other?  Well, there’s an App for that! And here’s the kicker – it’s FREE! 

Enter Recpass technology. Recpass uses the latest QR code technology to securely transmit a candidate’s most pertinent profile and academic information and a resume by using a mobile device to quickly scan a QR code on a student’s name badge or smart phone.  Paper resumes and manual data entry? Gone. Lackluster conversations focused on candidate info collection? No longer necessary. Ability for a recruiter to share data and filter results for targeted candidates? Easy! Because the technology was developed by former university relations directors and has incorporated much user feedback, this technology has quickly become a best-in-class product that saves recruiting teams time and effort in managing candidate data while simultaneously creating more direct, meaningful interactions with candidates. 


Via a half-second scan, John can “check in” to Jane’s booth and instantaneously share all of his academic information and resume before even speaking with her! Now that the data collection task is marked off Jane’s checklist, she is able to focus her attention completely on John, using this extra time to delve deeper into his background, interests, and goals while sharing valuable information about the company and positions of interest with him.. 

The benefits and opportunities Recpass provides are innumerable for both candidates and recruiters.  More importantly, the technology creates a high level of satisfaction for both John and Jane to work happily ever after in corporate America. 

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