Working the Job You Love

Written by Startup Institute
Published on Apr. 20, 2016
Working the Job You Love

This content was written by Christine Zimmerman and originally appeared on Startup Institute's blog, The Whiteboard.

Do you ever find yourself winding down on a Sunday evening—still buzzing from a busy weekend of friends, family, and fun—only to have a looming Monday morning hit you like a load of bricks?

It’s an anxious feeling in your gut. An unwelcome nudge from reality. A deep, exhausted sigh that says, Really? I’m back here again? Five days away from the next two days of freedom?

Job discontent is tricky. For self-aware people, the answer feels like it should come from within. Individuals who believe happiness is a choice are left to wonder—why can’t I just be happy? For those who’ve spent years of effort working toward one professional goal—becoming a lawyer or a doctor or a teacher—the inclination is, again, to be self-critical. This is everything I ever wanted. Why don’t I feel fulfilled? Does anyone get real fulfillment from their job? Am I chasing something that just doesn’t exist?

A career changer myself, I questioned my work ethic. Was I lazy? Maybe I’d be dissatisfied no matter what my role because I just didn’t want to do work.

The fact is—lonely and isolating though it may feel—job unhappiness is the norm. Gallup’s State of the American Workplace 2014 reveals that a mere 31.5% of people feel truly engaged in their work. This data point is sadly optimistic, as the highest measure since they began tracking this performance statistic in 2000.

Finding and working a job you love may seem like an impossible task. Armed with the right network, a powerful community of supporters/mentors and a toolbelt of high impact technical skills you CAN absolutely land your dream job. Are you ready to take your career in a direction you are passionate about? 

Come join us Monday 4/25 and hear first hand from our Startup Institute alumni on how they have made transitions to jobs they love through our 8 week immersive program, having focused in areas of either Web Development, Technical Marketing, Web Design, and Sales and Account Management. Details and RSVP

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