CE Convergence, LLC

CE Convergence, LLC

2 Total Employees
2 Local Employees
Year Founded: 2009

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<p>&nbsp;</p> <div id="yui-gen3"> <p>CE Convergence is an online service company in its startup stage. We provide licensed professionals a way to maintain their accreditation by automating the necessary continuing education (CE/CPE) tasks that many feel burdened to perform. CE Convergence offers the only automated CE solution currently available. Our vision is to make CE Convergence an essential part of every licensed professional&rsquo;s life.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> To keep their license current, each professional is required to adhere to specific CE requirements and deadlines set by individual states. This is a tedious and lengthy process.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> With our patented Total CE Solution (sm) process we will automate and simplify the process. All a professional will have to do is:&nbsp;<br /> &bull; Log-in to our Website&nbsp;<br /> &bull; Select a class from our centralized list of Providers (requirements will be explained to the professional)&nbsp;<br /> &bull; Attend and complete the class&nbsp;<br /> <br /> The rest of the process will be performed by CE Convergence without the intervention of the professionals. CE Convergence will centralize the class offerings according to requirements necessary, locations, providers, costs, and class recommendations to help our customers make more informed decisions about their continuing education needs.</p> <h3> Specialties</h3> <p>CE/CPE Requirements Awareness for Licensed Professionals, Employee Compliancy Management for Corporations, Promotion of Courses for CE Providers/Educators</p> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p>